The forging god

Welcome to Divine Tyranny! In a world where all-powerful gods live among mortals and play with their life for their own entertainment, Archivist Cécile is doing her best to go unnoticed. Unfortunately, the warring water and forging gods are now interested in the archives... Come read about Cécile and the world in which she lives!
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The forging god is one of the founders of the capital back when it was only a city-state. He is now a major patron god of the kingdom, member of the Local Gods' Council, and so his worship is mandatory for everyone. His Church is also one of the most influential ones.  

Relationship with the Water God

The forging god is an ancient and powerful god. As such, it is surprising that he did not choose to found his own city and rather agreed to join our Lord the water god Lydien to found together the city-state that became our capital. It is even more shocking when knowing about the constant rivalry between those two gods, as the only other gods who did similar things were close siblings or lovers. However, both of them are extremely clever and ruthless gods, and it would not surprise me if they plotted from the start to join forced and gain an advantage over the other gods. If not, they certainly were quick enough to make use of it and swallow all surrounding cities to form a new empire.   The forging god is the patron god of fire, metal processing, forging, and engineering. To almost all mortals, he is the god that stands for progress and innovation, which was further confirmed when he was one of the gods that triggered the current industrial revolution, thanks to his alchemy. His team of mortals is currently at the forefront of the technological race, and he intends to keep it that way, whatever the price. Even if he makes a mortal enemies of our Lord the water god by polluting all of his rivers.   This "Pollution War" between them has been going on for some time, and of course, it is us mortals that end up suffering for it. Both gods are now fighting to get their own candidate selected as the next royal heir so that they can become the major patron god of the country for the next generation and decide whether industrialisation or the environment are going to be favoured.

Opinion from the archives

Outside of such conflicts, the forging god is known to be a calm and methodical gods who like experimenting and building things. Like most gods, he has little patience for mortals. However, he makes exceptions for those of his people who are particularly skilled with forging. This is the best way to catch his attention, although anyone wanting to make the attempt should be careful about the jealousy of their colleagues and the gods' experimentations that sometimes get slightly out of hands. In addition, the forging god is very meticulous and demanding when his creation are concern, and it is very hard to live up to his standards. Once his anger is roused, he likes to burn things—and people—and can be extremely petty.   Contrary to our Lord the water god, the forging god is not as good with charming people—understand manipulate them. He tends to prefer a straightforward approach. Most mortals still beg for his attention, as everyone wants the best weapons and tools and they know only him can provide it to them. He can indeed sometimes deign to confer his creation to us, mortals, when he thinks the person in question will be able to show them off to their best advantage. But of course, this is never truly to the advantage of the mortals, as it paints a nice target on their back for the numerous people ready to kill to possess an artefact created by a god but not linked to them in any way, contrary to what our Lord is doing.   Like everyone at the time, my ancestors had to choose whether they cared more about their access to water and food or the means to defend them. As it is, they chose to primarily worship our Lord Lydien rather than the forging god, and we have been stuck with this decision since then. Changing allegiance is not really something a lot of people, and I have no doubt the gods would be offended were we to do so. Yet, this is a topic that is being more and more discussed in noble circle, and this is sure to cause a lot of drama sometimes soon.
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Cover image: The forging god by nejron on DepositPhotos


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Aug 5, 2022 01:13 by Lilliana Casper

Interesting article! The narrator's voice really came through. The forging god is well made, and I think his arrangement with the water god is definitely suspicious. Good work.

Lilliana Casper   I don't comment much, but I love reading your articles! Please check out my worlds, Jerde and Tread of Darkness.
Aug 7, 2022 07:44 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Thank you :D The forging god is definitely suspicious and may or may not be a ( the?) bad guy in the novel once I decide the plot... And Cécile's opinion of him is, of course, completely impartial :p

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
Aug 9, 2022 20:59

A more or less "simple" god with a "simple" plan. I really liked it and I want to see (or read) what will become of Lord Lydien and the forged god. It might be interesting to see what will happen if mother nature (or water in this case) triumphs against the industrialisation...

You wanna see what we did for the last events? Go, click here: Eddies Major Events
Aug 11, 2022 10:02 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Thanks :D I'm still working on the plot of the novel, but I think this conflict is going to be the main one.

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
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