The Archivists

Welcome to Divine Tyranny! In a world where all-powerful gods live among mortals and play with their life for their own entertainment, Archivist Cécile is doing her best to go unnoticed. Unfortunately, the warring water and forging gods are now interested in the archives... Come read about Cécile and the world in which she lives!
Introduction to the story | Cécile | The Archivists | Novel upcoming

Table of Contents

We, archivists, are the only people holding the country—even the whole world—together. Saying this is only common sense, and anyone who has any of it will agree with this assessment!
Highly educated and skilled people working at the royal archives.
Advise people on how to deal with the gods and survive the encounter.
Everyone dealing with a god, from the king to the poorest commoner.
  • Léonie P: The archivists told me that having green ribbons at my wedding was an especially bad idea when invoking the blessing of Q! I was able to change them to red at the last minute and adverted any disasters! Q has blessed us for sure, because my marriage has been very successful and I immediately got pregnant!
  • Nathan G: For months, all my sacrifices to our Lord Lydien were unsuccessful! I consulted the archivists, and they told me it was because I was using the coal of his rival to burn them! I change it to straw and my prayers were finally answered! It has now rained over my field and I won't starve to death!

    The archivists and their job

    The archivists are the people collecting all the information related in some ways to the gods, writing it down, and taking care of the records. But most crucially, we are the ones having to comb through millennia of records, analyse their contents, and draw some recommendations from them.   And then, we have to go see the patron who gave us that task—most often a high priest, noble, or the king himself—and somehow convince them to actually follow our advice, and that, no, the gods won't be satisfied with some half-assed measures...
    Senior archivists having to deal with nobles' complaints by stokkete on DeponsitPhotos
    Information collected
    The kind of information collected in the archives is very broad-ranging and not always reliable. This means that we need to have an education that is just as broad, so that we can at least understand what the writings are talking about, as well as critically judge them.   The archives cover basic information about the gods, of course, but even that is more complicated that it seems.
    Questions we have to ask ourselves
  • Did this god tell us that themselves?
  • Were they actually truthful, boasting, or completely rewriting history?
  • Was it a rival god smearing their reputation?
  • Was it reported by priests who might have forgotten some details of what was said to them or who might have had their own agenda?
  • Was it instead an information that was slowly pieced together by someone who didn't completely understand what was going on?
  •   All of this is crucial, because we need to understand the gods' characters, their preferences and what angers them, how to interpret their mood correctly, and how to properly give them thanks or appease them. We also need to cherish all secrets of magic, technology, arts—or anything really—that they have deigned to share with us. Can you imagine their reaction if they come back a few centuries later and we just tell them that we've forgotten their precious revelations?   Other information we deal with is anything to do with brands left by the gods on their favourite humans, any known case of possession, any ritual, festival or large prayer session that has been carried out for the gods, any speculation about individuals having been cursed or blessed, etc. Really anything that can be linked in some way to the divine is in the archives. And the records also cover several millennia, especially the royal archives in the capital that were started when our city-state was founded! That has made them truly enormous. Thankfully, we have magic to help with storing and sorting through all that information.
    Each city in the country—even each village—has its own small archives, recording their local history. However, in less important places, the recruitment and training of archivists is not very rigorous. Very often, it is the local priest or the patriarch or matriarch of the most important local family who hold the role in addition to their own duties.  

    The royal archives
    The royal archives in the capital are the most important and extensive, and the archivists working there are the only one with direct contact with the king. The physical building hosting the archives was even erected with help from several gods, not only the architecture god, but also our Lord the water god and the forging god.
    What we look for in new recruits
  • Intelligence and a broad education to understand what they read.
  • Cunning and shrewdness to parse what is reliable information and read between the lines.
  • Good organisation and research skills to be able to find anything in the archives.
  • The ability to synthesise information and draw advice from it.
  • Good writing skills to create new archives entry.
  • Basic magical talents to make use of the magic that is keeping the archives together.
    Optional: the ability to deal with people and to convince them to part with information and to actually follow the advice they have been asking for.
      Each local archives decide on their recruits by themselves, with the biggest ones being, of course, the most prestigious and difficult to get into. In practice, archives in big cities mostly recruit from the nobility and rich bourgeois families, because those are the only ones who can afford to have their children properly educated. Or to have the necessary connections with the archivists to convince them to look at their offspring with leniency during the entrance tests.  
    The tests
  • A series of oral examinations with established archivists and a practical test among a small made-up version of the archives.
  • A senior archivist has to vouch for the recruit and agree to take them under their wing to train them—this is to avoid spoilt brats from noble families that nobody wanted to offend but who nobody wanted to deal with personally either!
  • An archivist working by kosoff on DepositPhotos
    Sadistic archivist examiner coming with a test by kues on DepositPhotos
    Training lasts 5-10 years after recruitment. During that time, they slowly gain more independence in their research skills and get the joy of learning to deal with the public—a task senior archivists are only too happy to delegate as soon as they can.   What takes the most time is learning proper writing skills and synthesising abilities, as well as judging the reliability of sources. Not the least trouble is the need to beat any prejudice away from the recruits' mind!    
    The final trial
    The most difficult task is to actually formulate accurate advice from all of that. Because of the impacts of any such decisions, recruits are not allowed to attempt it before their final year of training.   Even once they officially graduate from training, senior archivists are still going to look over the advice section of their reports for a few years to come. It's a hassle for everyone involved, but the survival of the country is well worth the price...
    A very enthusiastic archivist trainee by TheVisualsYouNeed on DepositPhotos

    Opinion from the archives

    Respected individuals
    Archivists are respected and admired throughout the kingdom, as everyone realises what a crucial role we play in keeping us all alive. Everyone also understands that we could very easily fail to find one small piece of relevant information about the ritual they are about to conduct because we were slightly distracted by our anger at the insult that was thrown our way...
        Dealing with annoying people
    Yet, quite a few people still fail to treat us with the proper respect that we are due. Especially all those politicians and nobles at court who think that we could somehow give them the opinion they wish for if we put just a little more effort into it. As if we could change the character of the gods themselves as easily as paper records can be altered!   However, if the task they wish to accomplish with our advice is not going to have wide-ranging consequences, we can sometimes just tell them what they insist we should, and then stand back and enjoy the resulting anger and punishment from the gods. So long as we don't do it too often and offend those gods ourselves...     Court archivists vs other (cleverer) archivists
    Being an archivist can be an ingrate job when those pesky nobles are involved. Thankfully, not all of us have to deal with the court. Better to leave that to those who think themselves to be the only ones high minded enough to face such tasks properly, and let them have their delusions of grandeurs.   The rest of us are often left to our own devices, and so long as we're still being productive and answer to requests for information, nobody pays attention to what other ancient knowledge we look at in the archives and to what we do with it... There is a reason why most archivists are excellent mages, and this is not all due to selecting for natural talents during recruitment!
    Being an archivist is really the best job around. Respect, money, secret knowledge... And so long as we don't make egregious mistakes, even the gods leave us well enough alone! It's really the perfect place from where to observe the new royal heir selection and the upcoming carnage...
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    Aug 3, 2022 00:28

    Cool idea! I like how you wrote it in a distant first person, which gives us a sense of the characters and the culture of the archives. It made the setting come to life! Is there a code that archivists have to follow? Like restrictions or taboos on how they use the knowledge they safe keep/collect? Can an archivist be fired or kicked out and has that ever happened?

    Aug 3, 2022 07:19 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

    Thanks :D I write all articles in this world from the POV of my main character to make them more fun.   Regarding an archivist code, the only important thing is that they actually do their job (collect information + give advice when people request it). They don't have a specific code to follow, the only thing is that it's understood that it's super important that they don't lie or collect false information. Doing so is most likely to result in them getting killed in revenge, provided that they are caught and that the victim survived the lie :p

    To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
    Dec 22, 2022 23:17 by Anna Katherina

    I adore this, and the writing style. What a lovely and inspiring article!

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    Dec 27, 2022 13:46 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

    Thank you :D I have a lot of fun writing those articles from Cécile's POV!

    To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
    Jan 3, 2023 21:37

    The exasperation laced into this article gives it some life. You'd think reading about a bunch of librarians would be boring. Are commoners able to become archivists? It seems the nobility have a monopoly on the profession.

    Jan 29, 2023 10:52 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

    Thanks for your comment :D I've been writing all articles in this world from Cécile's POV, and she has a lot o opinions about everything XD   Commoners can become archivists, provided they have received a good enough education to allow them to pass the entrance tests. It's their progress in the hierarchy that's going to be limited.

    To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
    Jan 4, 2023 03:45 by Myth Magic

    I really enjoyed reading this. I was amused by the writing style and the accompanying images, as well. Very entertaining.

    Jan 29, 2023 11:03 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

    Thanks! All articles in this world are written from Cécile's POV, and she has a lot of opinions about everything, so they're very fun to write XD

    To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
    Feb 29, 2024 11:47 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

    The sadistic archivist examiner made me laugh. XD   Fascinating profession. I love that they have to consider all the information carefully, like where it came from or if it might be a boast or smear campaign.

    Jun 8, 2024 11:46 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

    Yes, their job is like a mix between journalist/scientist/librarian/government advisor, but with the gods' presence making everything a lot more risky if they get anything wrong... I'm very happy with all the opportunities for petty dramas XD   Thanks for your comment <3

    To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
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