Demergion History of Demergion Timeline
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History of Demergion

Before the Flood

10 QAD 1 QAD

Before the Flood, the world bloomed, until the acts of a single Sorceress forced the hands of the gods.

  • 2 QAD

    1 PD

    The Years of Rain

    In the years before The Great Flood  the world was drenched by torrential rain, send by the gods to prevent the rituals of Empress Aurorax, which ruined the lives of many, and is still seen as a very bleak period in time.

    Godelan's Haven

The Founding

1 PD 26 PD

During this time, the various races we know today came to terms with their new world and life.

  • 1 PD

    The Great Flood
    Disaster / Destruction

    When the Sorceress attempted to achieved godhood, the world fell apart, and massive floods drove the remaining survivors to the highest mountains.

    Godelan's Haven
  • 1 PD


    The Arrival of the Draconic Empire

    Arrival of a New Faction: The Draconic Empire

    Shattered by the loss of their Empire, the Dragonborn was the first to make landfall but shattered and prone to infighting wasted the chance to reform their empire.

  • 1 PD


    The Arrival of the Crescent Lands

    Arrival of a New Faction: The Crescent Lands

    Those alike sticks together, and few are so keen for an opportunity as the cast out, as such a half-elf by the name Armand Delon had procured a ship and was one of the first to save his kin from the flood, being well prepared, the elves well-stocked followed the map, the only hurdle was their ill-chosen landing site, which became permanent as their ship was sunk following a massive wave.

  • 1 PD


    The Arrival of the United Gnomish Ridge

    Arrival of a New Faction: The Arrival of the United Gnomish Ridge 

    Arriving on the north coast, the Rock-gnomes short on supplies and determined to rebuild wasted no time and quickly refitted their ships into shelters allowing them to be the first to venture into the mountains to secure vital supplies.

  • 1 PD


    The Arrival of the Mayfield Family

    Arrival of a New Faction: The Mayfield Family

    Many of the original halflings didn't fear the flood, and when it came many merely located themselves to higher ground. And with the art of shipbuilding not practiced by them, only a few ships were ready. As a result, the only halflings who made it to the island in significant numbers were the Mayfields, who in earlier days lived at the foot of the mountain.

  • 1 PD


    The Arrival of the Kingdom of Man and the United Hill Clans

    Arrival of a New Faction: The Kingdom of Man
    Arrival of a New Faction: The United Hill Clans

    Led by the Aging King Konstantin Reinhardt, the remains of humanity made landfall and claimed their first land, and started their kingdom anew. In their Wake the Hill dwarves sailed in, using the human fleet as their guidance.

  • 1 PD


    The Arrival of the Ragtag Fleet

    Arrival of a New Faction: The Realm of the Mountain Queen

    Having united various ships and folks under their rule, the Goliath Fleet was an assorted bunch of ships united under Captain Nivia Brightvigor. Among their ranks also were various other giant kin, which would spread among the land.

  • 1 PD


    The Arrival of the Lunar Cabal

    Arrival of a New Faction: The Lunar Cabal

    Records are vague on the actual arrival of the were-creature cabal. Some believe it was a curse flown in by a single creature others believe a single ship with an infected crew brought the curse upon these lands. Regardless, staying true to their animal nature, these were-beasts hid on the northern island, until the halflings invoked their ire.

  • 1 PD


    The Arrrival of the Orcish Raiders

    Arrival of a New Faction: The Orcish Hoards

    When the world became quiet once more, the sounds of warcries filled the skies as the Orcs finally made it to dry land, their ship resembling large rickey cities made from logs, planks, and other ships. manned by slaves and Orcs and captained by their ruthless leader: Spilge. And when they landed the waters were saved once more, but the lands became dangerous once more.

    The Dread Rocks
  • 1 PD

    3 PD


    The Subjugation of the Draconic Empire by the Human Kingdom
    Military action

    Instigator: The Kingdom of Man, The Guardians of the Forest
    Defender: The Draconic Empire
    Victor: The Kingdom of Man
    Outcome: Subjugation of the Dragonborn

    Following various provocations by a Dragonborn general putting salt in an old wound, the might of the human kingdom washed over the fledgling empire, subjugating them and claiming their land.

  • 1 PD

    9 PD


    The Clash between the Orcish Hoards and the United Hill Clans
    Military action

    Instigator: The Orcish Hoards
    Defender: The United Hill Clans, The Kingdom of Man
    Victor: The Orcish Hoards
    Outcome: Minor Defeat

    Soon after their arrival, the Orcish hoards started to harass and attack Hill-dwarven settlements, seeking to steal their food and supplies. The Dwarves with the little aid the Humans could spare, after many years of struggle, reluctantly gave up their land resulting in a fragile truce.

  • 1 PD


    The Expulsion of the Crescent Lands by the Goliath Clans
    Military action

    Instigator: The Realm of the Mountain Queen
    Defender: The Crescent Lands
    Victor: The Kingdom of Man
    Outcome: Relocation of the Half-Elves

    Having landed on a small island, the only easy way to expand was by claiming the land of their neighbors, the half-elf. The Elves still only partially established gave up their land in return for transport to the mainland. The Goliaths taking an easy win accepted.

  • 2 PD

    37 PD

    The Years of the Hunt
    Military action

    Instigator: The Lunar Cabal
    Defender: The Mayfield Family
    Victor: The Lunar Cabal
    Outcome: Temporary Subjugation of the Halflings

    Following the Mayfield arrival and their following expansion through the small island, the Halflings were caught unaware by those that shared the island with them, the lunar Cabal. The halflings didn't stand a chance against the were-creatures, who resisted their weapons and only grew in number with every halfling defeat. Following the loss, the halflings terrain was annexed and used as a sporting ground until the gnomish victory over the were-beasts.

  • 2 PD


    The Arrival of the Oceanguard and the Steelforged Clans

    Arrival of a New Faction: The Ocean Guard
    Arrival of a New Faction: The Steelforged Clans

    Having been spared the initial destruction due to the elevated position of High-Elven lands, the alliance between the high-elves and the dwarves was well prepared when the water once again rose. The ships that arrived at the Island were a few of the many sent out seeking a new home.   The High-Elves claimed the lands where they arrived, honoring the alliance they had with the Wood-elves, the Dwarves eager for their holds moved into the mountains and started on their first dwarven hold and the sanctuaries where they would pay their respects to those that didn't make it.

    The Windy Cape
  • 5 PD

    7 PD

    The War of the Windy Cape
    Military action

    Instigator: The Ocean Guard
    Defender: The United Gnomish Ridge
    Victor: The United Gnomish Ridge
    Outcome: Stalemate

    Not wishing to be pushed into a corner, the High-elves declare war on the ever-expanding Gnomish domain, yet by underestimating the gnomes and overestimating their magical prowess, the elves make little to no progress. Yet their defenses prove also too strong for the gnomes so the war ends with a ceasefire, with the hostilities eventually concluding with The Treatise of Ad-hileas. As part whereof, the elves found the night grove, a place of magical learning.

    The Windy Cape
  • 7 PD

    Founding of the Night-grove mage college

    Founder: The Ocean Guard
    Support: The United Gnomish Ridge
    Construction: The Steelforged Clans

    Following the War of the Northern Shore, the newly former Elvish-Gnomish coalition founded the Night Grove college, a place where anyone with aptitude and connections can study the magical arts. Construction and defense of the complex are overseen by the mountain dwarves, spearheaded by clan Frosthelm.

  • 7 PD

    12 PD

    Liberation of the Silent Mounds
    Military action

    Instigator: The woodland Voices
    Defender: The Steelforged Clans
    Victor: The woodland Voices
    Outcome: Dwarves driven back into the mountains.

    The Dwarven Mountain Clans eagre to claim as much unclaimed land as they can take the North-Western ridge as their farmland. However, unbeknownst to them, these lands belonged to the Forest-Gnomes as many grave moulds were located there. The insult to their ancestors incurred the wrath of the gnomes, who with the aid of their ancestors struck first, and didn't give the dwarves a chance to explain themselves, and they wouldn't after being attacked. After the initial attack and due to the fervour of Gnomes the dwarves were driven back into the mountains.

  • 10 PD


    The Arrival of the Infernal Fleet

    Arrival of a New Faction: The Infernal Docks

    Held afloat by their determinations and their infernal vessels, the Tieflings arrived on the already contested lands of the Island. After initially landing on the shore of the peninsula, they mane their way north past the coast and settled where their ships crashed.

  • 21 PD


    The Formation of the Western Tribes

    Arrival of a New Faction: The Half-Tribes of the West  

    Once united under the leadership of Joel Pregl, the half-orcs once cast-out, claimed a swath of marchy forest as their own which eventually would grow into a united domain.

  • 21 PD

    26 PD


    Vengeance of the Western Tribe
    Military action

    Instigator: The Half-Tribes of the West
    Defender: The Infernal Docks
    Victor: The Half-Tribes of the West
    Outcome: Mayor Land Acquisition for the Half-Orcs

    Following the formation of the Western Tribes, it wasn't long for Western Tribes to finally take out their anger on the Infernal Docks. Repaying the many years of strife caused by the constant harassment of the tielfings. This resulted in the Half-Orcs claiming large swats of tielfing land, which allowed them to supply their people with food and living space.

    Down the Lakes

The Grounding

26 PD 34 PD

  • 27 PD

    27 PD


    The Human Expansion into the Desert

    Related Faction: The Kingdom of Man

    Having built up their kingdom once more, the humans have caught wind that the desert to their north holds both riches and room for expansion. And so many settlers and explorers make their way north, seeking both.

  • 27 PD

    39 PD


    The Final Orcish War
    Military action

    Instigator: The Kingdom of Man, The United Hill Clans
    Defender: The Orcish Hoards
    Victor: The Kingdom of Man
    Outcome: Subjugation of the Orcish main-land.

    After claiming the central desert as their's, the human is finally in a position to make a move on the Orcish Tribes that have been a thorn in their sides since they arrived at the Island. With the Hill-dwarves as their side, they systematically root out every Oricish tribe on the mainland, eventually driving them back onto the seas.

  • 28 PD

    29 PD


    The Defense of the Elvish Shore
    Military action

    Instigator: The Realm of the Mountain Queen
    Defender: The Guardians of the Forest
    Victor: The Guardians of the Forest
    Outcome: Successful defence

    Concluding many years of failed skirmishes, the Goliath tribes seeking to conquer new land, make landfall on the Southern shores of the Wood-elven domain. After initial success and claiming many riches, the forces of the wood-elves prove to be mighty and the goliaths return, albeit not empty-handed.

  • 28 PD

    36 PD


    The Unification of the Gnomish Ridge.
    Military action

    Instigator: The United Gnomish Ridge
    Defender: The woodland Voices
    Victor: The United Gnomish Ridge
    Outcome: Mayor land acquisition.

    With the Rock Gnomes established but short on supplies, they started to look for additional farmland by which to supply their people. The Western shore of the island would provide them with the farmland they're looking for. A many-year set-up eventually provided the Rock-gnomes to attack their kin under the guise of freeing their kin. Learning from the Dwarvish-Gnomish war the Rock-Gnomes made sure the remains were moved deeper into the Forest-Gnome heartland and creating a truce, as they claimed the land out of necessity, not out of greed.

  • 29 PD

    34 PD

    A challenge, a Curse
    Military action

    Instigator: The Half-Tribes of the West
    Defender: The Lunar Cabal
    Victor: The Lunar Cabal
    Outcome: Successful Defence, spread of the Lycan Curse

    Having heard rumors about the magnificent creatures that lived on the north of the island, the western Tribes launched a conquest to bring back these beings, yet it seemed that they were too strong, and the only thing the Tribes took back was the Lycan curse.

The Floundering

35 PD 55 PD

  • 36 PD

    37 PD

    The Eradication of the Were-beings
    Military action

    Instigator: The United Gnomish Ridge
    Defender: The Lunar Cabal
    Victor: The United Gnomish Ridge
    Outcome: Subjugation of the Were-beings and their lands.

    Following the defeat of the Western tribes by the hands of the Lunar Cabal and the subjugation of the Halflings, the Rock Gnomes had learned and researched, and with their mechanical machined armed with silver and fire, they warred against the were-beings. After many years the most but not all of the were-being menace was rooted out. The halflings were free once more, and the few were-beings that remained either where fugitive or in chains doing the bidding of the Rock Gnomes.

  • 47 PD

    53 PD

    The War of the Western Woods
    Military action

    Instigator: The Kingdom of Man, The United Hill Clans
    Defender: The Guardians of the Forest, The woodland Voices
    Victor: The Kingdom of Man, The United Hill Clans
    Outcome: Minor Land aquisition.

    Stuck between the Elves to the South and the Gnomes to the North, the Human king decided that a war with the elves was acceptable. As such they readied their war, and both sides summoned their allies. And so a hard-fought war ranged for many years, on one side: "The Kingdom of Men" and the "United Hill Clans", on the other "The Tribes of the West" and the "Voices of the Woods". Eventually, the humans managed to secure minor gains on the other side of the river, after which a truce was called which holds until today: "the Truce of Hearhtland".