The Orcish Hoards Organization in Demergion | World Anvil
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The Orcish Hoards

Official Name: The Orcish Hoards
Primary Race: Orcs (65%), Goblins(30%)
Government Type: Roughly separated into five "Clans", the orcs seldom unite. But they heed the calls of those stronger than them. With the strongest clan having the means to united their forces.
Domain: The Dread Rocks
Ruler: Crown Ogegg Falseflame "Der Fullhammer"
Capitol: Bror Zozgraz 
Age: 64
Army Size: 3,625
Primary Divinity: Gruumsh, orc god of storms and war
Allies: The Half-Tribes of the West
Foes: The United Hill Clans, The Kingdom of Man

Scourge from the Sea

When the Orcs arrived at Godelan's Haven they did so on large vessels resembling shanty towns, each seemingly builds up from a dingy which was upgraded every time new resources came available. With some having ships tied to trees and planks, held together with rope, string, and muscle. When these ships landed on the shores, they would be quickly repurposed into palisades and shelter. From their arrival until their defeat by the The Kingdom of Man the Orcs would be a terror for any and all who were unfortunate enough to be in their way. The hill Dwarves and the Humans were their most common victims, but even the Elves and the Gnomes were often attacked. And even now the Orcs still pose a threat to the The United Hill Clans with the naval raids.   The Orcish Hoards are separated into a myriad of different war-lords with each their own war band, each doing their own thing. An exact count can't really be made as these hoards are prone to infighting, with the stronger absorbing the weaker and those who grow too big falling apart. The only constant among these hoards is their leader, their Crown. The Current Crown is Ogegg Falseflame, a cunning master of the hoards, with a great plan.

Lesser Minions

Among the Orcish ranks, there is also a presence of goblins of any variety, these little schemers act like the engineer and underlings for these Orcs, but it is suggested that these Goblins have some sort of autonomous presence as well, hidden among the Orcish war-lords.

Current Problems

A hoard requires Numbers

Following their defeat by The Kingdom of Man the Orcish numbers have dwindled, and with their raids being poorly executed many of the Orcish villages now stand empty. Following the success of their defenses, the The United Hill Clans have started to decrease their border presence. Crown Ogegg has hatched a plan and if it would be successful the Orcs will once again be a force to be reckoned with, with all empty villages being a problem of the past.

Hearth of Evil

With the Appearance of a new Evil in The Ancient Palace, some have suggested it could be an Orcish Cult that has taken root in the ancient soil. With many pointing to various Orcs in ritualistic appearal tagging along with various Orcish Raids. As well as rumours of a Aquatic cult on the rise on The Dread Rocks.
Diplomacy Diagram not available

For the Hoard!

Founding Date
1 PD
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Barter system
Related Ranks & Titles
Notable Members

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