The Kingdom of Man Organization in Demergion | World Anvil
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The Kingdom of Man

Official Name: The Kingdom of Man
Primary Race: Human (55%)
Government Type: When the flood took it all away, king Konstantin Reinhardt rescued his people and his bloodline rules supreme.
Domain: The Fields of Godelan, The Desert of Winds, northern half of the The Eastern Hills .
Ruler: King Adrian Reinhardt
Capitol: Neuhafen
Age: 64
Army Size: 13,454
Primary Divinity: Chauntea, goddess of agriculture
Allies: The United Hill Clans, The Mayfield Family
Foes: The Guardians of the Forest, The United Gnomish Ridge

United under the Reinhardts

Since their arrival, the Humans have been led by The Reinhardt Bloodline wich started with Konstantin Reinhardt, whose son Adrian Reinhardt now holds the crown. Adrian Reinhardt's son Clemens Reinhardt is to become the next king when Adrian reliquises the crown.   When the Humans arrived at Godelan's Haven 64 years ago, they made landfall at The Fields of Godelan and founded Neuhafen which remains their capital. A few months after their arrival, the The Guardians of the Forest reached out to King Konstatin about a matter of war, grasping the opportunity united forces of Elf and Men declared war onto the The Draconic Empire. The war didn't last long, and ended with the once mighty, yet divided Empire subjugated by the The Kingdom of Man.   The Lands of man cover the greatest part of Godelan's Haven, covering over 25% of the land, with holds in The Fields of Godelan, The Desert of Winds and The Eastern Hills. Eleven large centers of civilization dot the Human lands, the largest of which is Neuhafen, the other ten are various Towns from wich the local Viceroy governs their Domain. These VIceroys are scions from noble families, who are hand-picked by the King to oversee his will is enforced everywhere in his domain. The Exception is Cloverfort which is a fledging part of the empire, and is still developing and as such is placed under martial law.
The Royal Viceroys of The Kingdom of Man

Draconic Servants

Ever since the subjugation of The Draconic Empire, the Dragonborn have always been second class citizens, comprising about 10% of the population of the The Kingdom of Man, with many becoming the slave-servants of nobility. The Kobolds especially are treated with scorn, but due to their small size and nimble nature, they make excellent messengers and very portable servants. Some of these Dragonborn have claimed their freedom by serving in the army for 10 years, but even then many still treat them as lesser, with many making their way north towards the The United Gnomish Ridge. Yet some returned, bringing back a movement of Equality, The Equality Alliance. This movement has gained traction and ever-increasing members. Yet due to strong oppositions, some of its members have taken violent action, with deadly consequences.

Explorers of the Seas

With their lands secure, many would-be merchants have focused their attention towards old maps seeking other possible islands. These Explorers prepare for their long naval journeys by acquiring large funds, great ships, crews to man them, and supplies to keep them stocked. The First of these explorers to have set sail was Captain Helinda Liudgersdotir, on the ship Siegfroy in the year 59 PD (6 years ago), and since about 30 have since set sail. Yet few have returned, of which the only one with the discoveries of new land.  

Current Problems

The King is Dying, long live the King

King Adrian Reinhardt has been afflicted by a mysterious illness that has thus far only affected him, many of the best doctors and priests have attempted to remedy it, but they couldn't help the ailing Monarch. In a last-ditch effort to save the king, the Kingdom requested aid from its neighbors, with their rival, The Guardians of the Forest offering a very promising solution, at a steep price. In return for a healer, and a cure for the king, the Kingdom would return the land West of Neuhafen back to the Elves. This has of course has sparred outrage among the Viceroys, the army, and the nobility, and a movement named The Western Border led by the crown-prince Clemens Reinhardt is advocating for taking this cure by force. And after the Alleged Elven-healer went missing en route, those seeking the cure via a peaceful route are sure to point fingers towards this new movement.

In Chains No longer

With the increasing support of The Equality Alliance a real divide has formed among those wishing to abolish the enslavement of the Dragonborn and those wishing to maintain the status quo. The increase of the awareness of this brutal tradition has increased hostility towards those seeking equality which in turn beckoned violence, which has led the town watch to detain supports of both sides.

The Return of the Siegfroy

Six years after the departure of the first explorer Helinda Liudgersdotir departed from the port of Neuhafen her ship, the Siegfroy sailed into port again, and stranded on a sandbank below the royal keep, seemingly with no-one aboard. With the increased racial tensions and the conflict between the royalist and the The Western Border the town watch could only spare two guardsmen to check it out, they didn't return. Until the situation improves, the ship remains anchored in the harbor, off-limit, but who knows what treasures it might hold.
Diplomacy Diagram not available

For the King!


Founding Date
1 PD
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Economic System

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