The Crescent Lands Organization in Demergion | World Anvil
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The Crescent Lands

Official Name: The Crescent Lands
Primary Race: Half-Elf (65%)
Government Type: Adhering to the ways of the old world, this elvish city-state is ruled by its mayor, who is picked, and empowered by a council of prominent city folk.
Domain: Coastal border between The Fields of Godelan and The Western Woods.
Ruler: Mayor Jolanta Pelowska
Capitol: Lucentum
Age: 64
Army Size: 87
Primary Divinity: Mystra, goddess of magic
Allies: The Kingdom of Man, The Half-Tribes of the West
Foes: The Realm of the Mountain Queen

The City State of Lucentum 

After the Helf-Elves where moved from the The Island of Wurm to the mainland, they asked their new neighbors, the The Guardians of the Forest for help and assistance rebuilding. The Elves agreed, under the condition that the Half-Elves would not exceed the land they needed to sustain themselves. As such the borders of the The Crescent Lands never expanded past their current borders and only a single large city form their domain, Lucentum.

Merchants, diplomats

Both in their geographic location and their origin, the Half-Elves are halfway between the The Kingdom of Man and The Guardians of the Forest, as such they act as an intermediary for trade and communication; as well as provide a neutral ground from diplomatic matters.

The Voice, the Mayor

The The Crescent Lands are governed by a Mayor who resides in Lucentum. The current Mayor is Jolanta Pelowska. This mayor is responsible for matters of state, town, and people, and is elected by a council of prominent towns-folk, among which guild-masters, master traders, and nobility. A second title, The Voice of the Crescent Lands, is given to a citizen-elected by the common folk. This Voice speaks for the people and voices the concerns of the common man. When the Voice speaks it becomes the mayor's responsibility to find a solution that both pleases the council and the voice. The arrival of the Voice also always takes the president over anything the mayor is doing at that time.
Requirements For Mayor
When the council elects a mayor, they do so based on pedigree, skills, and past successes. But being liked by prominent members of the council can sway the vote in a candidate's favor. The Mayor takes residence in the Mayoral office in the heart of the city, which will become their home for as long as they keep office.
Requirements For The Voice of the Crescent Lands
The voice is elected during The Festival of the Voice, this event takes about a week during which various candidates put on performances of poetry and song, after which a jury, picked a winner. The Voice has always been female, yet male contestants have participated in the festival. After the jury votes, the candidate is escorted to The Costiera Opera House where the candidate is prepared during the following days for their new duty. This Opera house will become the Voice's new house as well as the place where they often put on vocal performances. It has been noted that due to their role many voices have made enemies out of the council and many have either retired soon after or died while on duty. Yet the voice echoes through death.

Current Problems

Voicing Discontent

The current mayor, Jolanta Pelowska and the current Voice Irena Burda seeming can't see eye to eye. Which has resulted in an increasing number of civil matters gone unaddressed. This has resulted in the Council pressing legislation which would otherwise not have gone through. People of Lucentum have called upon the Mayor and the Voice to settle their differences, but despite many attempts by the Voice no compromise has been reached. It has gotten so bad that various people have taken right into their own hands, with bloody consequences.

Phantom of the Opera

With the Mayor ignoring the Voice, the Voice has gone silent and The Costiera Opera House once busting with life and music has gone silent. Many who knock on its closed doors swear they've heard creepy whispers and felt cold shivers.
Diplomacy Diagram not available

The Sun Shines Upon Us

Founding Date
1 PD
Head of State
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

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