The Guardians of the Forest Organization in Demergion | World Anvil
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The Guardians of the Forest

Official Name: The Guardians of the Forest
Primary Race: Wood-Elves (76%)
Government Type: A council of seven sages, one from each of the Families convene when a new Forest Elder is elected. These Sages, with the guidance of the forest, elect someone to become their new leader, the sages become their representatives.
Domain: The Western Woods, The Forsaken Peninsula
Ruler: Forest Elder Godelan Silentsong
Capitol: Sylath Entheas.
Age: 933 years
Army Size: 2,320 men
Primary Divinity: Silvanus, god of Wild nature
Allies: The woodland Voices, The Ocean Guard
Foes: The United Hill Clans, The Kingdom of Man

Those that own these lands

The The Guardians of the Forest have protected the The Western Woods and the mountain we know today as Godelan's Haven for centries. They where here when the Sorceress Aurorax was born, when she took power and when she causedThe Great Flood  . And some of the Elves, those who we now know as the The God-lost even helped her with her Blasphemus plan.   After the god had smitten down the Sorceress and abandoned, the recently elected and somewhat naive Godelan took partial responsibility for the destruction of the world and welcomed any and all onto their island, despite protests from his sages and the The woodland Voices.

The Seven Sages:

The Western Woods are governed by Seven families.
One member of each of these families is chosen to their sage, these sages are skilled in the druidic ways and speak equally for their family as well as the nature in their family's domain. These sages also act as the will of the Forest Elder, the being who represents The Western Woods as well as the leads the The Guardians of the Forest. When a new Forest elder needs to be elected, the forest will reach out to the sages, who will convene and commune with the forest to find a new Forest Elder, which could be any sentient creature currently inhabiting the forest.  

Current problems

Border Trouble

Once the sole guardians of the island and the forest, now after giving up much land and pride the patience of the Guardians is almost up. And war is almost a certainty.

The Forest Weeps

Once the forest spread far a wide, but with the flood and rain, much of the forest was damaged, what remained healded but what once was majestic and ancient is now wounded and shy. Which isn't helped by the actions of the Humans, Half-Orcs and Mountain Dwarfs.  
Diplomacy Diagram not available

We Protect the Tress

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