The Steelforged Clans Organization in Demergion | World Anvil
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The Steelforged Clans

Official Name: The Steelforged Clans
Primary Race: Mountain Dwarves (76%)
Government Type: Set on old traditions, the Dwarves of the mountain are governed by members of an ancient family, the GoldenStones.
Domain: The Peeks of Remembrance
Ruler: King Harnur Goldenstone
Capitol: Kaghdur
Age: 63
Army Size: 11,871
Primary Divinity: Kelemvor, god of the dead
Allies: The Ocean Guard, The United Hill Clans
Foes: The woodland Voices, The Guardians of the Forest

Stuck in the Past

The Dwarven mountain clans were always slow to change, and don't much like being forced. So when The Great Flood  came many dwarves lost incredibly much. After initially rejecting the possibility the dwarves had only a few months to pack centries worth of memories onto their limited ships, if only for the repeated pressure of their closest allies, The Ocean Guard.   When the dwarves finally made landfall again on Godelan's Haven many of the Dwarves shared their Kings disbelief about the current situation and mechanically stated to rebuild their nation. But it would be many years before the dwarves would overcome the loss and sorrow. During these years, the dwarves focussed themselves on the creation of shrines and places of remembrance dedicated to those who perished in the waves. The most ornate of these complexes, build below their capital: Kaghdur is dedicated to the family of the Dwarven King. These shrines contain the bodies of those who washed ashore and those taken along, but most of the tombs (~97%) are empty.

Led by Ancient Ways

The The Steelforged Clans are divided in four distinct clans, each led by a different branch of The Goldenstone Family: Each of these branches of The Goldenstone Family governs their domains as they see fit, but are subservient to the King.

After the Years of grief

When the dwarves finally came out of their stupor, after 25 years, they found many looking for the wealth of natural resources the dwarves mined from their mountains. And in the following years, the dwarves grew into one of the strongest nations of Godelan's Haven.

Current Problems

Can't get over you

King Harnur Goldenstone hasn't been himself since he lost his Mind to the Waves. Having become a shell of the man who he once was, due to their adherence to the old ways the king still rules, but the Clans that make up the nation have united in a council led by the oldest daughter of King Harnur Goldenstone, Lysswin Goldenstone. Some fear it is only a matter of time before the ailing king does something destructive.

A Blessing from the gods?

With the return of The Returning tales have reached the lands below of the long lead, once preserved in the ancient burial tomb coming to life once again in a fashion similar to The Returning. It seems that various families have taken action to allow would-be returnees to find their way outside. Some dwarves have suggested returning all their remains to a more accessible location, rather than keeping them locked up in the tall peaks. Yet until now, only individuals have acted upon this rare possibility.
Diplomacy Diagram not available

A Foundation Stronger than the Mountains.

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