The United Gnomish Ridge Organization in Demergion | World Anvil
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The United Gnomish Ridge

Official Name: The United Gnomish Ridge
Primary Race: Rock-Gnome (65%)
Government Type: Every 6 years, the gnomish royalty gets to vote on their new leader, those with the most votes get to rule the gnomish lands.
Domain: The Silent Mounds, The Northern Ridge, Part of the The Peeks of Remembrance, The Island of the Moon.
Ruler: President Oryore Swiftpitch
Capitol: Toppinghaven 
Age: 64
Army Size: 12,500
Primary Divinity: Gond, god of craft
Allies: The Mayfield Family
Foes: The Kingdom of Man, The woodland Voices

Two sides of the same coin

Even before The Great Flood  the gnomes where ruled by an president elected among candidates brought fourth by groups of likeminded people, named parties. The biggest of these partied are the Mechanicals and the Stators, leaving any would be third-party far behind. Representing ideas of aggressive expansion and unfettered progress; and unification and improvement of current conditions respectively.   In the year before the election, the parties, and their candidate, campaign, making sure they have the backing and support (both monetary and otherwise) to gather the votes needed to be elected.   Every six years the nobility gets to vote on their favorite candidate, among those brought forth by the parties. The candidate who gets the most votes gets to govern the The United Gnomish Ridgefor the next six years, with the support and favor of their party. Their duty is to rule the Ridge and ensure the goals of their party are achieved and make sure the promises made during their campaign.   The current president is Oryore Swiftpitch, who was elected 4 years ago, taking office after Bilrick Firatidor. A President can only hold office for a single term, yet they can hold other positions in government, and often do so, provided the new president liked their ethos.
The Mechanicals
Those who stand for technological progress no matter the cost. This ethos has led to the rise of personal steam weapons and bolstering the Gnomish army with steam weaponry as well squads comprised of conscripted were-beings. Those that support the Mechanicals are among those with a stake in the arms industry, those who believe the army should be most important, and those who which to support technological research no matter the cost (ethical or otherwise).
The Stators
Whereas the Mechanicals are supporting individuals and organizations by funding their researching the Stators fund the exceptance and spread of these new inventions troughout The United Gnomish Ridge. They also focus on infrastructure and improving conditions often deploying were-beings as cheap manual labor, but often at the cost of technological progress and army funding. Many of the organizations providing these general upgrades are skilled artisans who tend to look back on the old days as such the Stators.


After subjugation of The Lunar Cabal the were-beings have been enslaved and spread among The United Gnomish Ridge, these beings are treated as lower class citizen, and are often enslaved. With few breaking free from the chains that hold them, with even fewer doing so in a way that allows them access into civilization. As the curse is not always as apparent, it is suggested that a fraction of the were-beings live among the locals, their true nature hidden. A common insult or threat is the suggestion of what one would be a were-being, this has also ensured that only a few people stand up for the rights of this minority. This is not helpful because the easiest test for Lycantrophy (a simple cut) is also easily faked.   Out of the 209,580 People inhabiting The United Hill Clans there are 71,856. Which makes it that there where beings make up roughly 34% of the Gnomish population.

Current Problems

Rumors of a forbidden love

The current president Oryore Swiftpitch is rumoured to have romantic relations with a Were-being.

Shores of the Dead

With the recent appearance of the long-dead appearing on the coast and coastal villages the The United Gnomish Ridge with it's coast bordering the once lowland has a a greater amount of these occurrences. As such the Shorewatchers have an notable presence and more than a few of The Returning walk these lands.

Representation for All

With the oppression of the Were-beings, one bright young devotee of Tyr (God of justice) has risen up, to bring justice to this minority. Having the support of a few wealthy families seeking to righten the injustices, he is now spearheading a third party that is certain to leave an impression. This man is called Kasjin Finebelch, his party The Equality Alliance.
Diplomacy Diagram not available

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