The Mayfield Family Organization in Demergion | World Anvil
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The Mayfield Family

Official Name: The Mayfield Family
Primary Race: Halflings (63%)
Government Type: Head of Family
Domain: Part of The Island of the Moon
Ruler: Mother Netina Mayfield
Capitol: Yellowfeld
Age: 264
Army Size: 22
Primary Divinity: Lliira, goddess of joy
Allies: The Kingdom of Man, The United Gnomish Ridge
Foes: The Lunar Cabal

Uphill from Here

Before the flood, The Mayfield Family resided in the lowlands just north of Godelan's Haven. So when the water came, they merely moved their house and home further uphill. The new place seemed a real paradise, with pristine beached, fertile soil, and unkempt forest. This paradise would turn into a real hell when their neighbors, The Lunar Cabal arrived and the Years of Hunt began.

Years of the Hunt (2 PD till 37)

It started with the disappearance of hikers and lumberjacks, and within weeks the various villages had been sacked and raised. And weeks later the hearth of their nation Yellowfeld  was overrun with were-beings. Who claimed their lands as their hunting grounds which remained so until The United Gnomish Ridge claimed their victory over The Lunar Cabal and liberated The Mayfield Family.

Tables have Turned

Following the defeat of the Cabal and the liberations of the Mayfields, various small militia organizations arose, armed by the The United Gnomish Ridge and a desire for vengeance they made quick work of the remaining were-beings still roaming their lands. The most successful of these groups continue though this day as The Huntsmen, a renowned group of hunters skilled in dealing with the were-beings.

Current Problems

Hunting the Hunters

Due to the Years of the Hunt, The Mayfield Family has a absolute disdain for anything remotely were-being. And if word about their resurgence reaches them they are quick to pick up arms and sully forth making sure the remains of the Cabal remain so. But with the passing of time and the almost complete eradication of the beasts, the Family has turned inward and is making sure no of these beings reside among their populous. 

They Deserve no Quarter

With word of The Equality Alliance reaching the The Mayfield Family many of the Halflings cried out in rage, and a diplomatic envoy was send to ensure that these beast get nothing.
Diplomacy Diagram not available

Good Live, Good Food

Founding Date
199 QAD
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

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