The woodland Voices Organization in Demergion | World Anvil
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The woodland Voices

Official Name: The woodland Voices
Primary Race: Forest-Gnome (85%)
Government Type: The trees speak, or at least so the Forest-Gnomes tell us, comprised out of many isolated families, these Gnomes are led by a council of Druids who are guided by the forest.
Domain: Part of The Western Woods, The Edge of the World.
Ruler: Treespeaker Zanikasys Whistlecraft
Capitol: Wildcase Grove 
Age: 736
Army Size: 1,420
Primary Divinity: Mielikki, goddess of forests
Allies: The Guardians of the Forest
Foes: The Steelforged Clans, The United Gnomish Ridge

Current Day Guided by the Old

Since their founding, the naturalist Forest-Gnomes has always been guided by their ancestors, with many of the gnomish family taking great pride in communing with and seeking guidance from their ancestors. As such burial rituals have always been a matter of national importance, yet there isn't a unified way for them to put their ancestors to rest. The most common way is a burial in a burial mound, these large earthen structures have thin walls protecting a small inner chamber where ancient remains are left to mummify, and a piece of the family tree is embedded into their chest. Two centuries after their burial, these mounds are emptied, with the "hopefully" mummified remains being taken into the house of their descendants, the small skulls often worn as the family elder's ritual cloaks.   These burial sites were commonly placed on the western shore of Godelan's Haven. Many of the mounds placed of cliffs overlooking the ocean or in clearing in the forest, yet always at quite a distinct from any others, with families gaming multiple within eyes-reach. Even after The Steelforged Clans ignorantly claimed these lands as theirs in 7PD, this tradition continued, with secret rituals leading to a rare outburst of gnomish rage which pushed the Dwarves back into their mountains in 12 PD.   Yet when The United Gnomish Ridge made a move into this sacred area, they made sure they wouldn't disturb the mounds. And made an agreement that forced the hands of the Forest-Gnome, eventually claiming the mounds as their domain. Now this land is shared between the Rock-Gnomes and the Burials Mounds, with the Forest-Gnomes having the permission to move to the lands of The United Gnomish Ridge. This relinquish didn't sit well with many of the younger Forest-Gnomes, and when enough of these younglings get in a position of power, they are sure to make a move to reclaim their domain.

Respect the Elders

Forest-Gnome culture centers around their elders, with familial remains being commonly worn on robes and apparel as well as being featured prominently in the gnomish tree-houses. When talking to a Forest-Gnome one would do well to make sure not to speak ill about their ancestors as this is seen as the greatest insult imaginable. Also when asking a greater power for guidance, many of the Forest-Gnomes will ask both their gods and their ancestors.

Family Trees

Each gnomish family has a large magical tree somewhere in the The Western Woods, their Family Tree, which is grown and natured by their family for centuries. These trees are often found in sacred sites, named Family Groves. These trees have the ability to capture the willing soul of their blood that perishes nearby. Allowing those to interact with the land of the living long after their death. The Oldest Member of a gnomish family resides in a treehouse build in and around their family tree. These trees are ancient creatures, with many believing these trees to be a single united entity.   When a Forest-Gnome knows their end is near, they will move towards their Family Tree, or any other Family Tree if time is too short, often spending their final days among the roots or branches of their tree, until their passing and hopefully being absorbed into the tree.   Wood from these Family Trees, named Soul Wood is a coveted resource, desired by the Forest-Gnomes for it's ritualistic value as it remains magically connected to the tree it came from. But also beyond the borders of the domain of The woodland Voices for it's innate magial potential. Yet Forest-Gnome elders will only take whatever little naturally comes from the trees (old branches, tigs and leaves) as damageging, or ancestores protect you killing a Family Tree is the worst crime one can commit in Forest-Gnome society.  

Current Problems

Ancient lands stolen

The area known as The Silent Mounds once belonged to the Forest-Gnomes, and was considered sacred. Yet the inaction of Zanikasys Whistlecraft and other Elders let The United Gnomish Ridge take it withoutany real resistance, this angered many, especially the younger generations. The Gnomeis-Gnomish border remain quiet for now, yet many fear an ugly war in the years to come.

Trouble in the South

With the Possibility of another Human-Elvish war the Gnomes, who are the The Guardians of the Forest greatest allies, prepare for the worst. With many Elders venturing towards the Elven lands, seeking to prepare their families for the worst, and some seeking to work towards a peaceful outcome.

Granny Again

It has happened seldom, but more often recently, but the ancient remains of the ancestors have been returned to a semblance of unlife. In most cases, this reanimation has only caused a bit of a stir as the animated was only confused, but on a few occasions the ancient remains have caused quite some damage and even led to the death of multiple Forest-Gnomes.
Diplomacy Diagram not available

We speak for he forest

Founding Date
671 QAD
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Barter system
Subsidiary Organizations
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