The Draconic Empire Organization in Demergion | World Anvil
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The Draconic Empire

Official Name: The Draconic Empire
Primary Race: Metallic Dragonborn: 57%, Chromatic Dragonborn: 18%, Kobolds: 25%
Government Type: Once comprised out of two separated Empires dancing a careful dance, now tied down under The Kingdom of Man
Domain: None.
Ruler: King Adrian Reinhardt
Capitol: Neuhafen
Age: 64
Army Size: 748
Primary Divinity: Bahamut, Dragon god of good
Foes: The Kingdom of Man

How the Mighty have fallen

Since their subjugation half a year after the arrival of the The Kingdom of Man by a coalition of Human and Wood-Elf most Dragonborn where enslaved and are treated as second class citizen, with many serving as servants and slaves for the Human Nobility.

Before Subjugation

After arriving at Godelan's Haven, the newly arrived Dragonborn formed in two factions, the Metallics founding a harborcity on the coast, named "The Golden Port", (now named Marchstat) and the Chromatics not content with the limit moved landinward and claimed all the land between the coast and the desert up to the mountains. This did anger the The Guardians of the Forest.   When the The Kingdom of Man arrived, the The Guardians of the Forest reached out, and their united might pushed the Chomatics back to the Golden Port, after which the Humans pushed on, dismantled the Empire and Subjugated the Dragon kin.
Diplomacy Diagram not available

The World is Ours!

Founding Date
1 PD
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Client state / puppet state
Economic System

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