Adrian Reinhardt Character in Demergion | World Anvil
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Adrian Reinhardt

King Adrian Joachim Reinhardt (a.k.a. The Lawkeeper)

When Adrian's Father, king Konstantin Reinhardt ruled Adrian was a determined and good student, but when the responsibility of the nation fell on his shoulders he wasn't prepared. Yet despite his drive to do well, many believe the Young Adrian had fallen short of his Father who was the greatest King in the history of their land. Adrian rules by strict laws, many of which severely limit the rights of his people, in a vain attempt to steer them towards unity and greatness.   These laws, despite their laudable goal, haven't been well received and many think of King Adrian as a pencil pusher, with many hoping his son Clemens Reinhardt is going to be a more lenient ruler.   When Adrian isn't trying to better his Kingdom he spends his time painting and many of the grand pictures in the keep are by his hand, many depicting scenes of his father's grandeur and bleak sights of the years of the flood, many of which complement the dark aesthetic of the keep. Adrian always carries Allure, his father's longsword at his side, which is said to guide the ruler of the lands of man towards greatness.
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
18 QAD 65 PD 83 years old
Circumstances of Death
Not seen since
Green, Cloudy
Raggedy Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization

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