The Realm of the Mountain Queen Organization in Demergion | World Anvil
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The Realm of the Mountain Queen

Official Name: The Realm of the Mountain Queen
Primary Race: Goliaths (65%)
Government Type: Strength governs in absence of leadership, but those with the blessing of their four gods can sway the masses.
Domain: The Island of Wurm, The Elven Cove.
Ruler: Mountain Queen Nalgea Highkiller "Gathakaga"
Capitol: Ringhavn 
Age: 64
Army Size: 5,519
Primary Divinity: Surtur, god of fire Giants and craft
Foes: The Guardians of the Forest, The Crescent Lands

The Clans of The Island of Wurm

For a Goliath their Clan means everything. A Clan is united in blood but also governs the status of its members. Each clan having strict hierarchal bonds to those it governs and is governed by, with these bonds having been established many decades ago by blood, faith, and strength. A clan is responsible for the safety of the clans below it and in turn it receives offerings of food and wealth, failing for either side to uphold this agreement is a massive faux-pa, but rarely happens.   Clan names often go back centuries, even the small ones, and the survival of a clan name is seen as a duty. Often clans that have fallen under bad weather are taken in by their protectorate clan until they are strong enough to stand on their own, often at great expense.   Each of these clans governs over a clan-land, these plots of lands reign in size anywhere from single fields to entire peninsulas. A clan has strict ownership of the clan-land. This Clan-land is where the clan has built its hearth and Home, as well as the burial mounds for those who perished in battle.

United under Four gods

Since ancient times, the Goliaths have always worshiped the four Titan gods, these are: Most clans have a representative of at least one of these gods, with very small clans not having any and larger clans sometimes having at least one for every god. In addition, four clans have devoted themselves to the expression of each of the titan gods, are their chosen representatives. Many believing these four clans have giants acting as avatars for their gods. These four clans act as the will of the Titan gods, and their members are often found traversing The Realm of the Mountain Queen. These clans are also the place where acolytes go to train in the ways of the titan gods, and would-be devotees could start their journey to earn the favor of the four gods. It is said that only those who earn the favor of the four gods can unite the Goliath clans, and many have tried, but only a few have earned the favor of all four, with the current Mountain Queen Nalgea Highkiller being the last person to succeed on the four quests.

Dangerous Cliffs

Every Goliath knows how to wield a weapon, as does so from a young age due to their rough surroundings and hostile wildlife. This martial prowess hasn't often been seen on the battlefield however as the clans are too fractured to unite for any meaningful campaign and the lands of the goliaths are relatively poor to no would-be invader has seen the need to declare ware. Many of these clans work tirelessly to clear the mountains of the never-ending tide of mountainous horror, and brigands and pirates who've made the rough cliffs their hideaways.

The call of the Sea

Other clans, most notably around The Elven Cove have taken to the seas, often braving large waves and bringing the fight to monstrous creatures whose hides and meat are coveted among the Goliaths. These clans were also the savior of many a drifter who was lucky enough the be picked up in the years after The Great Flood  .

Explorers By Faith

As The Realm of the Mountain Queen border The Ancient Palace many younger goliaths, have taken to these ancient ruins, and have taken the fight to whatever crawls around there. Many haven't returned, but those who did brought back wild stories and vast riches.  

Current Problems

From deep below

The Clans have always dealt with any number of mountainous critters, from wyverns to manticores. But recently more sinister creatures have emerged, seemingly crawling from deep caverns connected to the Underdark. This new threat has started to overwhelm the mountainous brigades, a call for help has been sent, but it has gone unanswered for now.

Yo ho ho

The various mountainous cliffs of The Island of Wurmand covert beaches has been a true safe-haven for The Wurmcrest Pirates who use the various hidden coves and secret beaches to escape any would-be pursuers, their knowledge of the waters and reefs around the The Island of Wurm, in combination with the perpetual fog around the island makes persuing these brigands a dangerous prospect. Most of the Goliath clans seem to tolerate these pirates due to the wealth they bring to their lands, but others have started to crack down on these buccaneers.
Diplomacy Diagram not available

By the Titan Gods!

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