Nalgea Highkiller Character in Demergion | World Anvil
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Nalgea Highkiller

Mountain Queen Nalgea Geanolake Highkiller

Nalgea was born the third daughter of The Geanolake Clan, a small clan that wouldn't be noted in any of the most detailed sidenotes. They were deferent to their leader-clan, the Agu-Vekali. Yet, in their time of need, the warriors of the protector didn't show up when an Half-Elf Warband made mincemeat out of her family she swore to change things. But for the pilgrimage she would need the bear the name of one of the six major clans, so she faked it and took the named  of  Clan Gathakaga. And in the years since she made the pilgrimages, offerings, and devotions to the four gods that define the Goliath Clans, those being: Skoraeus Stonebones, god of stone Giants and art, Surtur, god of fire Giants and craft, Thrym, god of frost Giants and Strength and @Grolantor, Hill Giant god of war. With the blessing of these four faiths, she fought her way up through the Goliath ranks, armed with the artifacts of the four gods. Eventually cleaning the tile of Mountain Queen, and bring severe punishment upon the Agu-Vekali clan.

Devine Artifacts:

During her journey to gain the blessing of the gods she crafted four items that were infused with divine energy, these where:
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
3 PD 62 Years old
Fiery red, intence
Blonde, braided
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Grey, fair
Aligned Organization
Related Myths

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