Ogegg Falseflame Character in Demergion | World Anvil
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Ogegg Falseflame

Crown Ogegg Falseflame (a.k.a. Der Fullhammer)

Ogegg is the fourth Crown to rule over The Orcish Hoards since their arrival in 1 PD. In many ways, he has been quite similar to those before him, with a drive to conquer all in the honor of Gruumsh, orc god of storms and war. But he has seen that the Orcish numbers have started to dwindle and has "launched" an "initiative" to increase their numbers. His master plan involves every Orc taking as many wives as possible, and thusly getting as many children as possible, no matter if they're full or half-bloods. He has also started to accept Half-Orcs into their ranks. Contrary to his predecessors. Despite some minor protests from other war-lords, Ogegg Falseflame is doing quite well, helped immensely due to his magical potential, and Half-Orc body-guards.
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
44 PD 21 Years old
Brown, curious
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Green, Speckled
Aligned Organization

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