Daurinath History of Telamoth Timeline
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History of Telamoth

At the Dawn of Time

... 23000 ASD

When Vaeloth and Draugonir arrived on Daurinath, they settled on its Western continent, they named Calendêhl. To the East, beyond a wild and treacherous sea lay another continent, however the Star Dragons were weary from their long travels and had no desire to venture on another journey.   The land in the East was just as fertile as Calendêhl, teeming with fauna and flora.

  • 21700 ASD

    The Web of Magic
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    When Vaeloth and Draugonir weaved their Web of Magic, it extended from Calendêhl and soon covered the whole of Daurinath, including the Eastern continent.

  • 23000 ASD

    The Fallout

    With everything going so well in Calendêhl, Draugonir turned to the final creatures he wanted in their new world: his own brood. When Vaeloth learned of his companion's plans to create dragons in Daurinath, he fiercely opposed it, never wanting the infighting of his own kin to devastate his newfound home. But Draugonir disagreed and wished not to be the only ones of their kind, so the brothers fought savagely above Calendêhl, resulting in Draugonir being wounded and fleeing across the sea, while Vaeoloth remained, cursing his brother for trying to destroy their only home.

Time of Dragons

23001 ASD 30299 ASD

Draugonir comes to Telamoth and the reign of the Dragons begins

  • 1

    Draugonir's Retreat

    Draugonir arrives on the Eastern Continent

  • 300

    The Rise of the Elder Dragons

    Draugonir's brood hatches. The Elder Dragons name the Eastern continent Telamoth, "Home" in Draconic, and claim it their own. They divide it between them.

  • 1200

    The Killing of Atramentos

    The Dwarves of the Western Mawl Mountains rise up against their Elder Dragon overlord and manage to kill Atramentos.

  • 6000

    The Awakening of Draugonir

    After thousands of years Draugonir awakes on his volcanic Island. He wants to rule over the Elder Dragons, but they defy him.

  • 6001


    The War of the Dragons

    To defeat the Elder Dragons, Draugonir creates a new brood of dragons, much less powerful, but more numerous than the Elder Dragons. This starts the War of Dragons, that will last for nearly a thousand years.

  • 6547

    The Dwarven Expedition
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Dwarves of Calendêhl send three ships Westwards to explore the rumour of another continent behind the Dragon Bone Sea.

  • 7000

    The Arrival of the Elves

    The Eastern Elves, at the hight of their power, decide to branch out to the Western Continent. They manage to make the difficult crossing and arrive on the Southern end of Telamoth.

The Time of Elves

30300 ASD 37200 ASD

The Elves defeat the Dragons and secure their dominance over the inhabitants of Telamoth.

  • 1

    Dragon Fall

    After three hundred years of fighting the Elves manage to not only defeat Draugonir, but also wipe out all dragons, including the remaining Elder Dragons. The Time of the Dragons is over and the Time of the Elves has begun.

  • 6201


    The Decline of the Elves of Alvanore

    The Elven Empire, spanning two continents, went into a downward spiral. The stranglehold, the Elves of Alvanore had on Telamoth, slowly loosened. However, it would take almost another Millenia until the most of the other species actually gained their independence.

  • 6601


    The Rise of the Northern Alliance
    Diplomatic action

    When the Elven Empire started to decline, the Human states of the North came together and formed the Northern Alliance and rose up to fight the Elves together.

  • 6701


    The Human-Elven War
    Military action

    The Northern Alliance's war of Independence broke out full scale and together they managed to emerge victorious, pushing the Elves out of the Human territories, all the way down South of Lake Magador.

Time of Freedom

37201 ASD and beyond

After centuries of war, the Northern Alliance finally managed to push the Elves of Alvanore out of the Northern Territories and declared their independence.

The Time of Freedom had come.