Telamoth Geographic Location in Daurinath | World Anvil
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Telamoth Base Map Image


Western contintent on the world of Daurinath, divided by the treacherous Dragonbone Sea from the continten of Calendêhl.   Reaches from the North and its barren, uninhabitable ice plains to the South with its lush jungles and hot deserts.   The Western Mawl is a huge mountain range that dominates the Westernside of the Northern part of Telamoth. It extends through to the South, changing its name to the Flaming Mountains. Here it cuts off the lusher jungle areas of the South-East from the desert in the South-West.   The most fertile and habitable region is in the middle of the Northern part of the continent, with fields, forests and a network of rivers all adding to the richness of the countryside.   The Southlands are very fertile as well, but hotter and the fauna and flora is more exotic.
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