The Church of the Cog Beneficent Organization in Clockworld | World Anvil

The Church of the Cog Beneficent


Much like The World-Engine they praise, The Clock upon which they live and thrive, The Cognite Church operates with order and organisation, with each piece of the faith feeding into the function of the next.  
  • Mechanelector: At the very top of the organisation sits the Mechanelector, or Electan for those who find the former too much of a mouthful. Essentially an administrative position, their role is to oversee the function of the church as a whole, manifest its political will, and command The Knights Brasswork when such is required. They also refine the philisophical doctrine of the organisation, but such changes are rarely made and often small in scope, for drastic evolution is anathema to The Clock, and against their very design. While not hereditary, the position is handed down from Electan to their chosen heir, though not often without The Pentarchy's express approval.
  • Grand Mechanist: Beneath the Electan sits The Pentarchy, which consists of five Grand Mechanists. Each of these priests oversees the spiritual and administrative needs of an entire nation, and in turn offers advice to the Electan on matters of state. The power of The Pentarchy can wax and wane with public approval; the Electan sometimes ruling with an iron fist, but just as equally serving as little more than a puppet for those beneath them. As of now, The Pentarchy represents only those nations within The Brazen Empire who have adopted The Cognite Church as their state religion. This is a matter of some tension with Glymgol, for though the Glymnar follow the same faith, they possess no authority at the highest levels of the church.
  • Mechanist: Within each nation does authoirty begin to grow more flexible. To provide more precise control, each country is broken down into a region called an Uhrland, a domain ostensibly containing sixty by sixty by twenty four people. These regions are governed by a Mechanist, and though they in theory answer to the relevant member of The Pentarchy, their number and local authority grant them greater independance than many would assume. Cabals, cliques and even minor heresies can form amidst these members, as factional politics play a heavy weight in the national matters of faith. Of course, these regions they govern cannot be precise, and serve rather as a rough benchmark to be guided by, rather than followed without question. Should a region grow too populous however, it is not unheard of for an Uhrland to be split, much to the chagrin of the local Mechanist.
  • Uhvater: Further divided now, administering regions of sixty by sixty people, the Uhvaters focus more on public relations and spiritual needs than administration. Representing a significant force in local politics, they aim to ensure the church maintains a postive relation with the common folk, and spend much of their time travelling throughout their domain, and meeting people of significance.
  • Lehrling: The smallest 'official' position within the church, these local priests govern over regions of sixty people, essentially operating as outreach programs to isolated communties, or maintaing the premises of town and city churches. Due to their relative insignificance and vast number, a dizzying array of interpretations regarding the faith can be discovered amongst their ranks.
  Though this covers most of the official positions within the faith, there are countless others that exist. Some are a matter of ceremony, holding little authority or significance. Others exist because of circumstance, persisting only as needed, and remaining abandoned when no longer relevant. Some, like the Paradax, who investigate matters of anomaly and paradox, are so obscure that even the church hierachy itself forgets their existence. Lastly then are those titles regional in nature, and though few are recognised by the church, they hold great sway and authority in their local cultures.


The culture of The Cognite Church is one of discipline, but not slavish obedience. It is one of progress, though warded by caution. It is one of imitation, an attempt to emulate The Clock they praise in all manners of life.   In short, The Cognite Church reflects balance, a careful equilibrium between outright anarchy and brutal repression. Members of the faith are expected to challenge the dogma, but through careful application of logic and reason. Politics are played and accepted to ensure a steady movement of ideas, while sudden upheaval is both abhorred and worked against. This has seen the church accused of dithering, amongst other things, taking time to formulate their approach to sudden events, watching and waiting as small decisions amount to larger pushes. This rarely bothers the church, however, for their power is certain, and such rash actions would jeopardize it in the long run.   Many mechanisms exist within the faith to ensure stasis is avoided however, for that is an equal crime to reckless progress. In matters of state, when votes are called amongst the representatives of the church, abstaining is tolerated, but immediately results in the dismissal of the priest. Even the Electan is not above such penalties, for to hear the arguments provided by every side and still come to no determination, is seen as a great sin by the faith. Progress is choice, after all, and whether freely made or by threat and manipulation, progress must always occur. There is no peace for the engine, after all.

Public Agenda

The official stance of The Cognite Church is to enforce stability across those regions within its domain. Whether this be through sage advice to noble rulers, political pressure on academic institutions dabbling in arts outside the ken of understood science, or just spiritual aid to the common folk to help them on their path, The Cognite Church tries its best to keep its followers moving forwards at a steady pace.   It does also possess a proselytising intent, though this has not been its main focus for many years. Originally fantaical in its disdain for other faiths, an understanding has formed between the Cryptic faiths and the church. Forced conversions rarely led to anything but intense strife, and there was no means to bring about such a change without radical and drastic measures that defied the very spirit of the faith. This does not stop the occasional fanatic from raising hell, but for now, cooler heads have prevailed.


Though the church is wealthy from its many investments and political ties, though it possesses great influence through both its advisors and sizeable popular followings, though it is guard by sizeable military cults and great bastions throughout The Brazen Empire, none of these are the true source of its power. In fact, these themselves stem from one thing and one thing only.   Deep beneath the ground, the great chains of cog-teeth that run through the earth form points of nexus seemingly at random throughout the land. The church in its earliest days were drawn to these points, building their altars above them and digging deep holes to witness them from above. In 52/45/04, electricity was discovered by an errant priest, who devised a method to connect the gears beneath the ground to turbines, and from there draw power. The effect this had on industry was dramatic, revolutinising The Brazen Empire overnight, an irony not lost upon a faith dedicated to steady progress. The influence they gained from this discovery, however, was immense, for the church had long claimed nearly every point of nexus through the empire. With this resource under control, The Cognite Church levied small charges on any wishing to access their supply, and in doing so became a nearly unmatched force throughout the region.


The Church of the Cog Beneficent started as a small cult in the northern heartlands millenia ago. In truth, recognition of The Clock as a divine entity is nearly universal in every religion, but few ever praised it to exclusion, for by nature it is deist god, uncaring and apathetic towards its followers. Its most recognisable form, however, began rougly 32/45/04, as the rise of manufacturing and industry began to provide eager followers to its tenets of dedication and industry.   With the formation of The Brazen Empire in 20/45/04, The Cognite Church began to grow in influence. Not bound by regional Cryptics and local faiths, it proved to be effective at bridging the gaps between the disparate nations. Struggles were still had, however, for many were fond of their spirits, and were not keen to turn praise towards a distant and uncaring god. Initially met with force, The Cognite Church suffered blow after blow in return, losing favour in the regional courts and even bringing the attention of the Emperor to their brutal ways. This was a defining moment for the faith, as it stood on the precipice of being stamped out entirely by The Brazen Empire, or splitting completely in two.   Electan Wolda rose to prominence during this time however, presenting a solution both unusual and yet acceptable to both sides of the debate. Local spirits from the surrounding regions would be adopted into the pantheon, at a lesser status of course, and with careful management of their image within the church. To the zealots, this fulfilled their wish to bring the outlands into the fold, and to the concillators, it was a peaceful and considerate response to an obvious dislike of their methods. So agreed, great debates were held over many months regarding who would be welcome into the fold.   This measure proved incredibly successful, and following the new approach, The Cognite Church spread throughout The Brazen Empire. This proved a fortutious outcome, for as time passed and the Emperor grew old, past grudges re-emerged between the member-states of the empire. In an effort to unite the federation, the Emperor turned to The Cognite Church for advice, and in turn did they deliver them a plan. A unified faith for the land, an end to the religious politics that had so stained its borders in blood, and a kinship to be shared by the common-folk with their neighbours who, for so long, had they shared nothing with. It was not immediate, but the common ground began to ease the strife as The Cognite Church served as neutral arbiter between nations. Eventually, it became ingrained, an impossible juggernaut of political might that few would dare stand against. This, however, is a problem for another day.

Mythology & Lore

The beliefs of The Cognite Church are less myth, and more obvious and apparent evidence. They praise The World-Engine, after all, and it would be a strange individual indeed who would deny evidence of the earth upon which they stand. They are not a church of miracles, or fabled truths and secrets, but rather one of evident fact and simple philosophy. There is no religion alive that does not recognise the power of The World-Engine, the only difference being that The Cognite Church does not dilute such understanding with praise towards the Cryptic spirits.   That said, the demi-gods later inducted possess their own legends of note. The stories of Silverhand battling in Anhalt Pass for seven days to buy time for reinforcements to arrive; the tale of Gallard and Castamir Gravesong, the Last Vampire of the Sorrows; the brilliant inventions of Craic in The Mountains Glym, and of her brother, Golym, who produced the very first of the name-sake soldiers guarding the Glymnic realm. These tales are many, and some are truly ancient. To cover them all would be impossible, though many spend their time in such pursuits.   These stories are often drawn from the more ancient roots borrowed from those assimilated faiths. They do not represent possible truths, or ancient secrets, but rather serve as models upon which to base your life. The World-Engine is vast and alien, after all, and there are many ways to tread its path.

Divine Origins

The origins of worship directed towards The World-Engine are truly ancient, if not perhaps amongst the very first to exist. The Clock has existed forever after all, and the first mortals would have witnessed its majesty and known of its power. In its more modern iteration, The Cognite Church owes much of its traditonal value to the industrial Glymnar, and to the individualistic realms of the Jaeger. This created a strong sense of duty in its teachings, and sense of responsibility and pursuance focused more upon the 'I' than the 'We'.   The hierarchy however, is entirely the construct of those nations now forming The Brazen Empire. Though Glymgol had long followed a version of this faith, it was freely interpreted and expressed delight at creativity and innovation. The northern view sacrificed this in the name of stability, a rigid structure required to save in its realm of warring faiths and cults.

Cosmological Views

The understanding of the universe possessed by The Cognite Church is simple; once there was a void and then there was not, The World-Engine having come into existence by its own demand. The Cryptics and spirits that formed as a result were but lighthouses in the dark. Each one an absurd creation of its own concept, they served to guide mortals towards the path of their choosing. That they are second in place to the mortal races is without doubt, for progress is vital to The Cognite Church, and though Cryptics may change in form and temperment, they are trapped forever by their very nature.   There is a darkness, however, that the faith fears more than anything. Its reality, or lack off, is less important that what it represents. Entropy is the blackest crime, that slow decay into nothing and nought, the collapse verses the progress of The World-Engine. Those who believe it manifests as an entity call it, "The Silence at the End of it All", or, 'Brother Not'. They claim it lives within The Clock itself, and will one day devour it gear by cog, wire by brass and iron.

Tenets of Faith

The faith of the church is one of obvious truth to those that witness it. Look upon the ground where you stand, look upon the stars that burn beneath the rim, look upon life and harken to spirits ancient and cold. All of these are born from The Clock, all creation bound without choice to its endless movement. You cannot deny this, because wherever you look, it exists all around you. To The Cognite Church, The World-Engine is the first being and therefore must be emulated. Not because of arcane payment, or even belief in a divine afterlife, but because it was first. By its nature and position as such, it must know why existence is, for what purpose it serves and therefore, what purpose all mortal life must seek to achieve. It has endured longer than any, and by that metric, its life must be followed if you are to endure as well.   Of course, such can be a difficult concept to emulate, and so the church does possess a few 'iron-clad' rules. These can differ in wording, however, and intent depending on where or whom you ask.  
  • Revoke thine Hollow: Instinct is the Entropy of Reason, and as such it must be suppressed. Consider no action that you have not considered well, for you are a creature of choice, not a spirit slaved to concept.
  • Of Machine not Magic Make: The arcane arts draw upon the life-blood of The Clock, offering ease where one should suffer to master. Trust not the Cryptic bargains, for they will forge thee lesser than you were.
  • As Once, Once Again: Through tradition do we maintain perfection, through repetion do we improve by degrees. Careful should one be when considering change then, for the further you drift, the more you will lose.


To define morality within such a political faith is an effort in futility at the best of times. Back and forth do the members disagree, differences defined by the smallest degrees until one extreme stands opposed to the next.   A common inference, especially in the larger cities, is that one must follow the law regardless of one's agreement with it. This is an often opposed view by those who believe The Clock demands justice and equality for all, but that such battles must be fought in a calm and rational manner. Some believe The Clock demands perfection in your chosen path, whereas others argue against such mono-sighted obsession, praising those who practice all that they would as they strive to improve themselves. There are even those who praise magic as but another science to master, much to the chagrin of the majority who see it is as a cheap and easy path to power and hubris.   In short, the only interpretation that holds sway amongst all is dedication. Focus and dilligence upon one's craft, a steady improvement without reckless abandon or gamble, this is the way of The Clock. What paths should be followed, however, remains in heavy disagreement.


Due to its presence in a diverse number of nations, the religious practices of this faith are varied and complicated. Despite this, there are few 'core' rituals observed by every member of the faith, for much more is this a religion of self-improvement, than divine appeasement.  
  • Prayer of Hours: Usually performed once a week by the laypeople of the faith, this ritual involves visiting a church, and sitting in complete silence and self-reflection for an hour. After which, one usually writes down a method of improving oneself on a scrap of parchment, before throwing down the well into cog-chains.
  • The Refining: This term is virtually never heard spoken, for in truth, it merely references the act of possessing a job. In theory, according to the practices of the church, one should labour at their chosen profession for thirty hours a week, a tenet that has entered imperial worker's rights to the joy of many.
  • Thanking the Minutes: A small custom that has no official backing, it is not uncommon to see a Cognite giving a quick thanks at the top of each hour, even by something as small as the simple placement of the hand over the heart. Most perform this ritual at the end of each day as a quick prayer, though the more fanatical members of the faith will prostrate themselves regardless of the situation.


The priesthood of The Cognite Church is a prestigious path, for they ply their trade not just with matters spiritiual, but also temporal. Kings and queens, knights and knaves, all seek the advice of the church, for their influence is immense and their wisdom in its application prodigious. To become one, however, is surprisingly meritocratic, for The Cognite Church does not tolerate neoptism or corruption within its rank... At least not openly at least.   To join you must be tutored as a child by the local priest, a common enough event due to their learned natures. After finishing these basic studies, provided they did well enough, the child can be sent to one of the Universities scattered throughout the empire. Here they tutored not just in theology, but also in engineering and science. The requirements of the faith are, after all, more than just tending to the spiritual needs of the people, but also maintaining the vast turbines that stem from the seats of faith. After completing these further studies, a prospective member will be fully accepted and apprenticed to a local Lehrling or Uhvater for three years, acquiring their own flock when a position becomes available. Until such a time, an ordained member may continue assisting their patron, move to one of the administrative centres of the faith, or choose wander, plying their trade on the open road. A rare few even leave the nation, travelling to distant lands in hope of spreading the philosophies of The Clock.   Failing at any point during these trials bears no shame, for the church merely sees this as the wrong path for you to follow. Progress must be positive after all, and one cannot consider a tool useful in the wrong hands. In fact, it is not unheard of for individuals to take advantage of this, acquiring an education usually prohibitive in price before dropping out to continue their own paths. Though some within faith take umbridge at such deceit, many accept it for what it is, progress made for the greater good.   The uniform of the priesthood is a routinely simple affair. Usually it consists of whatever the local tradition dictates, with only a simple timepiece hung round their neck. The higher one climbs in the ranks, the more ornate the piece becomes, with additional titles and duties marked by decoration or inscription upon the device. Should one ascend to The Pentarchy however, then they must undergo a rather significant change. A single piece of their body must be replaced by clockwork, a feat of engineering whose method is kept secret by the faith, and whose difficulties preclude all but the most talented watchmaker. Many choose their eye, but some of the more fantaical may replace whole limbs with brass and gear.

Granted Divine Powers

The Clock does not care about you; that is a central tenet of The Cognite Faith. It is not that mortals have failed it, not that it is too alien too understand, but merely that the workings of those upon its form do not, in the slightest, intrigue it. That is why the worship of The World-Engine is aimed at replicating how it exists, rather than in supplication to its will. As a result, it provides no powers nor bargain with those that follow it, and though many have claimed divine miracle by its hand, nearly all of these have been disproven. For The Clock to talk would be an event without equal, as though purpose had been given speech at last.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Cognite Church has had a profound effect upon the fabric of The Brazen Empire. Not only does it serve as one of the few binding elements keeping the coalition together, but the Electan sits as one of the Palantine-Counts, whose role exists to select the next Emperor when their time passes. Outside of this pretigious position, they also hold a monopoly on much of the industry within the empire, for it is through their houses of worship that electricity is generated, and the great manufactories run.   As such, they possess incredible influence through their role as mediator, great authority through their seat on the high councils and prodigious wealth through their control of production. In essence, they are perhaps the strongest individual entity within the empire, and utilise it to the great benefit of themselves and their political ambitions. Only the size of the empire's army could keep them in check were they to seek control, though many suspect the church funds numerous cults throughout the nation, and commands a force far larger than they should.


As expected from a faith of its size, power and unusual deity, The Cognite Church possesses a wide variety of interpretations and religious sects:  
  • The Watchmaker's Apprenti: A minor cult that believes in a divine hand behind the formation of The Clock, The Watchmaker. They are technically heretics of The Cognite Church, but due to their recognition of The World-Engine as the template on which to base one's life, they are usually left alone to their beliefs. Instead, most regard them as merely eccentric, an image helped by the fact that many of their number a odd philosophy lecturers.
  • The Steampunks: What began as innovation and an attempt to democratise power production soon turned into a religious movement all on its own. Claiming the superiority of steampower over clockwork, they argue that the limitations put forward by following The Clock does nothing more than harm and hamper the mortal existence. After all, how can one compare themselves to an eternal engine, and why should one not choose their own path at their own pace. Unfortunately, the crackdowns against their faith have pushed many towards fringe sciences, including that of Arcantech, the volatile art of combing Cryptics into modern technology.
  • The Cult ex Nihil: To call this cult a movement within The Cognite Church would invite ridicule at best, if not outright hostility and violence. It cannot be argued, however, that their philosophy matches perfectly with The Brass Chapel, a ruthless dedication to perfection. Where they differ, however, is in what they seek. The Cult ex Nihil worships The Silence and argues that The Clock is an aberration that must be destroyed. They are no mere death cult, but rather one seeking the annihilation of existence itself. Entropy must not be denied.

Onwards and Forward, Forever must it go; No Rest nor Peace for the Engine.

Founding Date
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
The Cognite Church, The Brass Chapel, Glymsong
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Permeated Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Related Ethnicities


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