Clockworld The Cognite Church

The Cognite Church


04/46/04 - 06/46/04

Realising the fractious nature of his Empire, Karlemaech has a "religious epiphany" and converts to the Cognite Faith, establishing it as the official Religion of the Empire.

With the foretold invasion of Naggaryn proven false, the military alliance that comprised the core of the agreement between the Northern Kingdoms began to fracture. The Emperor-Elect, desperate to ensure his legacy maintained, sought to plaster the cracks that already were beginning to show.   Religion was, at its heart, one of the core principles dividing the nations from further co-operation. Though each followed Glymnir, each possessed an interpretation of it that superseded any cultural ties that brought them together.   As such, the Emperor-Elect claimed to have received a vision of The Clock, his celebrity and legendary status convincing the local people even if the rulers were less accepting. Claiming a mandate to organise a great council of religious leaders, he fashioned the structure of what would later be named The Church of the Cog Beneficent. The powers and authority were established in 06/46/04, and signed under the Treaty of Trent, which to this day still hold true.   Guided now by a shared religion, one that espoused the dangers of Cryptic alliance, the citizens of the Northern Kingdoms grew wary of their neighbours to the west and south, and the clamours for independance died in the wake of this new 'threat'.

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