Malina Geographic Location in Beyond The Rift | World Anvil


The Malina System was once home to a thriving shrine world that attracted pilgrimages from across the Ilyxis Sector. Now the system lies empty and barren, nothing but a graveyard. Decades ago a relatively large fleet of chaos ships warped into the system without warning, bringing with it a tide of warp disturbances that caused the previously calm star Malina I to destabilize and expand into a red giant. The agriworld of Thetius V was swallowed promptly by the expansion. A feudal world nearby received a much slower death, and one can still see the planet burn as it inches closer and closer to the outer edge of Malina, its own surface long barren and cracked and its atmosphere blown away by radiation. The shrine world Sanctus Ys still orbits the changed star in a stable orbit, yet it is less shrine than catacombs. Now much too warm, and doused in radiation, it is a world of corpses and dust. Once a shining beacon of the Emperor's Glory, now nothing but a shadow fading from memory.   The remnants of the massive battle between the invading chaos fleet and the Imperial response now form chunks of space hulk drifting through the system. Some was salvaged, but the larger hulks still remain to this day. Neither the Imperium nor the rogue trader dynasty of Gaemorra have so far found the time or resources to cleanse the hulks and drag them to a port for repairs.
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