Rock Of Suffering Geographic Location in Beyond The Rift | World Anvil

Rock Of Suffering

The Rock of Suffering is aptly named. It has limited atmosphere, and is close enough to its star that the radiation reaching its surface can kill humans within minutes if they do not wear proper protective gear. If that wasn't enough, its gravity well is great enough to catch stragglers from the nearby asteroid belt . As such the surface is pelted in regular intervals by sizable chunks of rock, the atmosphere too thin to burn up all but the smallest asteroids.   One defining feature, if only because it sticks out of the dented and dimpled wasteland by sheer contract, is a single shrine to the God-Emperor the martyr. Ancient arcane field-emitters protect it from the most severe damage. It is this shrine before which those participating in the the Day of the Emperor's Judgement , and survive long enough to reach it, prostrate themselves in hopes of receiving redemption. Only a handful ever reach the shrine, fewer still survive long enough to fully take it in. In one of the myths related to the Rock and this shrine, its arcane technology extends to having a built-in teleportarium, which is believed to be the only way to get off the planet alive.

Fauna & Flora

Life finds a way, and even on a barren deathworld such as this one there live a handful of extremophiles perfectly adapted to their environment. The famous "Blatella Rex",the king of cockroaches, manages to thrive on the violent planet. They feed on the many species of armored subterranean worms that burrow through the planet's crust, who in turn feed on the mineral-rich deposits delivered from space. It is this that gives these worms their thick, valuable skin.


The planet by itself contains enough minerals and metals to make mining by itself viable, further reinforced by regular showers of resource-rich asteroids crashing into it. So far, however, it has not been deemed profitable enough thanks to the inhospitable environment. Most mining operations in the system focus on the asteroid belt itself.
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Related Tradition (Primary)


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