Hive Tyrannus Settlement in Beyond The Rift | World Anvil

Hive Tyrannus

The current capital hive of the world, as far as such a thing is possible. They are ruled by a Rogue Trader dynasty that has traded with, and subsequently bought out, a large part of the hive world since time immemorial. Their special status within the Imperium, combined with the large population and resources of the system make sure they maintain a firm grip on their power. The city itself consists mostly out of docks and storage units. The most prominent landmark is a massive orbital spire, used for interplanetary trade and the resupply of the asteroid belt. Most of the ships within the system that are not from other parts of the Imperium belong to Hive Tyrannus. Whilst the Mobile Refinery Fleet is under supervision of Hive Dominus, the ’security’ of this fleet is managed from aboard the Hive Tyrannus flagship.   The storage spaces of Hive Tyrannus extend deep into the bowels of the planet’s crust, and there is no doubt that there are stockpiles of resources that haven’t been moved in decades or even centuries, as no bureaucratic system in place can handle the amount of traffic the city endures. Wealthy traders often buy some of these ”abandoned” stocks with hopes of making profit of whatever the last owner found prudent to store there. Not without a small army worth of escorts, however. In the deep dark, things are rumoured to stir between the riches of the world.
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