Gorgra‘dul Character in Az-Atla Realm of the Lost Moon | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. The Tourist)

In the histories of the Realm there are few heros so famous as The Tourist. There are heros who have saved civilization. There are heros who have sacrificed themselves for Her Glory. And, it could be argued by many that while these heros have monuments and statues to celebrate them, Gorga’Dul may be the most beloved hero of the citizens Realm as he was the first Tourist, and his was the greatest Tour ever completed.
His was the ‘original curious spirit’ which has since inspired an entire profession of fellow curious spirits, Tourists. The Realm is so very big, and so few citizens get to see even a fraction of its glory, but Tourists give up the security and comforts of their homes, families and communities to strive towards the ideal of experiencing the Realm’s glory on a personal level. But, more importantly to share that experience with others.

Gorgra was the first.

“ Without Gorgra? Well, there would be no Tourists. No Guide Books. No Insider Information, no Honest Accounts. He was the first, and the standard all of us Tourists aspire too. No one has done a Tour as long as his. No one.”
Cat’ryne tevra-G’ymin, Five Leaf Tourist

Mental characteristics

Personal history

It is commonly known that at the age of 17 Gorgra left the Orc homelands of Aut'tep'ko.
This was the beginning of his Grand Tour.

He visited each of the capitals, over 234 cities and an uncountable number of villages and hamlets. He did this without the aid of Ee-Loque as he was not blessed with that the gift to manipulate it. Further, he did not receive the aid of any user of Ee-Loque. Every kilometer traveled was traveled in a manner that any citizen could travel. He began on foot just like anyone.
It was early on in his Tour that he acquired - SpinWheel - his amazing bicycle.
He met more citizens and people of note then can be listed in this small article.
He was known and respected by both the Medicaments and the Paragons.
And, of course he slayed monsters, rescued children trapped in wells, and found lost animals and family treasures while on his tour.


Gorgra was trained in the classical traditions of the Hersakr Ac’dmi. This indicates that he was a trained fighter and military tactician. He was most likely indented to join a military group, but instead decided to turn away from what his family and community expected of him.

This makes his strange curiosity concerning to some historians as it has been and is still argued, that Gorgra's decision was in truth a betrayal of tradition and heritage. For some, Gorgra is not the hero that others of various 'weaker' species desire him to be.

The Principi of the Hersakr Ac'dmi have never placed any sanction or ban on Gorgra, his descendants, or his family, so this is seen as a quiet acknowledgement of Gorgra's choice. By law it could be possible for the Principi to penalize Gorga's entire future bloodline if they had a legitimate lawful argument to do such.


Gorgra was not employed in any official or professional manner. Where he went, he worked as needed for as long as he needed. Through the years of his Tour his publications tell of the many jobs he did and the skills he had to learn.
Various scholars place the number of professions that Gorgra has written on working as in the numbers between 14 and 36. Some of these have been collaborated with other historical documents; pay slips, employment records, debt slip etc.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Not only did Gorgra complete his Grand Tour, but while doing so he published some 20 plus volumes of guide books, any number of maps, and an almost uncountable number of personal notes which he kept.

All of the guide books and maps can be found at the Museum of Tourism, but many of his notes are still 'lost.'
A subculture of Tourists have dedicated themselves to retracing portions of the Grand Tour to find these notes.

Morality & Philosophy

Gorgra was a genuinely strange Orc by most accounts. Typically Orcs are tackless, abrupt, and callous, even when they are affectionate or when attempting to kind. Gorgra was all of that, but he was also slightly more.
Certainly he turned his back on a typical Orc life, but it's through the accounts of those he met on his Grand Tour that we see more into his perspective about life in general. Many accounts exist of his casual distractibility and almost obsessive need to understand things. It could simply be understanding how something worked or it could have been the need to understand why something was done a particular way at a particular place. For Gorgra the mystery of The Why bridged all aspects of his life, and most likely life in general.
Many people have family heirlooms of the gifts, strange gifts, the Gorgra gave them. Sometimes he gave these gifts as a form of payment, and sometimes as a form of scything thank you, and sometimes just on a whim. This gifts are as strange as the stories that accompany them. It it could be said that Gorgra was generous is a strangely Orc way.
He was just as interested in fighting and violence as any Orc, and he did the right thing and reserved that for all of the strange beasts and monstrosities that he encountered on his Grand Tour. Now, it must be acknowledge that some of these beasts and monsters where of the Citizen-kind, as in the frontiers of the Realm, Her Will and Devine Light do not purge all shadows. So, it could said that Gorgra was also lawful and most civilized helping the Light reach the furthest shadows.

Personality Characteristics


“He just left. Wanted to see the world. He was that kind of Orc. Classically trained, but just that kind of Orc. More curious then not. Strange.”
Kalis the Green.


Family Ties

Gorgra’Dul married only once to Hmmamz’Jor. They had eight children. Three survived the SanTodag. The oldest was named Perzl. The middle was named Talka. And, the youngest was name Noorj. So, they only had three.

Gorga’Dul was a middle child having two older siblings and one younger. The names of his parents and siblings are lost to common knowledge. It is certain though, that specialist historians would know such things.

Wealth & Financial state

At the time of his death Gorga was wealthy. Through his tour of the Realm he not only amassed a solid following of citizens who purchased his memoirs and field notes as he produced them, but he had acquired significant material wealth via the collection of items, the receiving of gifts, and the liberation of artifacts for the Paragons.
His publication royalties only continued to add to his wealth which he invested in various projects and properties through out Aut'tep'ko. Many of his properties and settlements maintained the names he had given them for many centuries to honour him.
On his death, the majority of his monetary wealth was claimed by his daughter Perzl’Dul in the Rite of Inheritance, the properties passed to the government and the settlements given independence either financial or governance as was appropriate in accordance to his will.

”The Mystery of The Why”

Is a philosophical perspective that many Tourists have adapted. It is the belief that through asking questions about The Why of things through out the Realm, the Will of Devouring Mother will become manifest and known. Not a formal religion, as the Devouring Mother is not a god (though some believe she is, see The Creation.), The Mystery of the Why does have community secular rituals and high ceremonial days. During the mid 16340Rs, give or take a century, there was even discussion about creating a Lexicon of Syntax which would describe proper ways to inquire about The Why. This discussion did not result in the creation of the Lexicon, due to a strong resistance to the formalization of The Mystery and of The Why.
Many asked, “If how the The Why is approached is prescribed by a Syntax, then how will the full Mystery be revealed?”
And it was further argued that, “Gorgra never let himself be prescribed in his own inquiry of the Mystery of the Why.”

Gorgra never spoke of The Mystery of The Why, but his life inspired its formation and germination in his many followers, both Fans and fellow Tourists.
Lawful Neutral
Date of Birth
Orja-ilk, 14, 14534Rs
14534 Rs 14627 Rs 93 years old
Circumstances of Death
Murdered while walking home from dinner with friends.
Harvest Red
Ponytail, salt and pepper black.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Deep grey
233cm (2.3m)
155 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
“ Just another ten minutes.”
” This is going to hurt... a lot.”
” Today is a good day to ride.”


  " SpinWheel didn't start out as the amazing machine that Gorgra ended up creating. No. No. Certainly, not. In the beginning of the Grand Tour, Gorgra started with a pedal bike. Eyewitness documentation and various receipts for purchased parts clearly show that SpinWheel had very humble roots. But, over time, Gorgra just kept modifying the bike. I believe it was during his time in Ud-Moaza (North Moor) that he first equipped a pedal assist engine to allow for increased ride time. That was ... oh, ... 14547, the Citadel Grand ArcDex would have detailed records. You can see SpinWheel at the Museum of Tourism at The Pinnacle This history of SpinWheel is really remarkable. I would love to see it."  
Dominak of the Yellow, Citadel of Lav-Sha


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Feb 13, 2021 11:09 by TC

What a fascinating character! I'd be interested in knowing more about what exactly a Tourist does, and I would love to hear snippets of his journey and what sights he might've seen, what odds he might've faced. Great work!

Creator of Arda Almayed
Feb 15, 2021 03:08 by Ray

Thanks. The character was inspired by my wife. When I told her about the challenge and asked what she thought she replied, “ Why not a guy who rides a bicycle everywhere, you know. I’ve never heard of that before.” And, Gorgra just exploded in my brain. I also want to know what he saw, where he went, and read some of his personal notes. Lol. .... it’s gonna happen.

Feb 16, 2021 21:50 by Michael Chandra

What we do in live, echoes in eternity. Even if it's just to travel and see the world, while leaving a mark everywhere. Really like it.

Too low they build who build beneath the stars - Edward Young