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A Glossary of Terms, Acronyms, and Initialisms

Below is intended to be a near complete glossary of all the terms, acronyms, and initialisms found within the world of Astraesto. Article is written from an out of universe persepective.    

Federation of Anfieden and Allied Planets

  The Federation (Term)
Shortened name for the Federation of Anfieden and Allied Planets.   The Andisien Federation (Term)
Shortened name for the Federation of Anfieden and Allied Planets.   The Iomhare Federation / Federation of Iomhare (Term)
Shortened name for the Federation of Anfieden and Allied Planets. Intentionally used as a method of scorning non Iomhare members of the Federation.  

Federation Government

  Andisien (Term)
Refering to the left-wing rebels that successfully defeated the Federation Federal Government during the 1st Federation Civil War.   Also used in reference to the 'Andisien Ideology', often used interchangably with any left-wing cause.   Used as a prefix for the official name of the Federation of Anfieden and Allied Planets, and for several political parties, including the Andisien Party of Democracy.  

Federation Armed Forces

  FAF // FDF (Initialism) | Federation Armed Forces // Federation Defence Force   CENT-COM (Acronym) | Central Command
In refence to the central command post of the Federation Armed Forces, located on Envis.  

Federation Navy

  FIN (Initialism - Formal // Acronym - Informal) | Federation Interstellar Navy  
Federation Navy Marine Corp
  FNMC (Initialism) | Federation Navy Marine Corp   SANAT (Acronym) | Specialist Advanced Naval Assualt Troops  
Naval Vessels
  FNS (Initialism) | Federation Navy Ship
Ship Prefix. Used by the Federation Navy from 2643AC to around the end of the 41st century.   FNV (Initialism) | Federation Navy Vessel
Ship Prefix. Currently in use by the Federation Navy.   FNNCV (Initialism) | Federation Navy Non Combative Vessel  
Weapon Systems
  FNMDS (Initialism) | Federation Naval Missile Delivery System   FNMLD (Initialism) | Federation Naval Missile Launching Device   FNKLB (Initialism) | Federation Naval Kinetic Launch Battery   FNLDW (Initialism) | Federation Naval Laser Defence Weapon   AP (Initialism) | All Purpose   AF (Initialism) | Anti Fighter   AS (Initialism) | Anti Ship  

Federation Army

  FFA (Initialism) | Federation Federal Army   HOVERT (Acronym) | Hover Tank  

Federation Air Force

  FFAF (Inisitalism) | Federation Federal Air Force  

Federation Intelligence Agencies and Law Enforcement


Federation Federal Intelligence

  FFI (Initialism) | Federation Federal Intelligence  

Federation Secret Intelligence

  FSI (Initialism) | Federation Secret Intelligence  

Empire of Jerace


Kingdom of Apreas


Kingdom of Apalachi


Republic of Osheni



Cover image: Red Cover by Sierra Brown


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