Rodrigo Salemanco
Sovereign Prince
The Last King of Aracia, Bartolome Salemanco, died during the Infernal Wars. A master military strategist, he led the siege on Baelache that served as the distraction for Eristea to take back her family's keep and bathe it in the light of Estus - ending Mephistia's bargain with the Devil Lords. In fact, there are many who claim that Bartolome died battling the Devil King himself, sacrificing his own life to give his battalion enough time to retreat. He is Aracia's greatest hero and his legend is told even beyond its borders.
Given his father's sacrifice, the next in line for the throne - Prince Rodrigo Salemanco - declared that no man in Aracia could be worthy of the noble title of "King". He declared himself a "Sovereign Prince" and stated that the monarchy would end with him. Aracia would take on a democratic model similar to its neighbor to the North, Torcest.
While his father's throne remains empty, Rodrigo continues to rule over Aracia from its capital city Nansuelo. Ascending to leadership at the tenuous age of twenty-three, Rodrigo has always been a reluctant leader. He truly believes that his father's death was a sign of changing times. Along with his brother Ernesto, his personal advisors and representatives from each of Aracia's major settlements, Rodrigo has been developing the government that will replace his family's power. For this reason alone, Rodrigo is popular amongst his citizens, especially those in West Aracia who crave liberty above all else. Eastern Aracians are a bit more skeptical, given their proximity to Mephistia and the Battlehaunt, worried that moving away from a monarchy could leave them vulnerable in future wars.
Rodrigo had been planning to step down as soon as a year from now, to retire with his husband Orlareo and enjoy the rest of his life free of the burden of leadership. But those plans were forced to change when Rodrigo was abducted in the night from his secret cottage in Nansuelo by a group of Anoch'Toval Drow. He was brought to Ichardy and transformed into a host for Xavast, the Sunken Mind, whom hoped to use Rodrigo's powerful influence to gain a strong foothold in Sheanora.
He was controlled by Xavast for nearly a month before he was rescued by a band of adventurers. Though that trip was strange, taking him to the Astral Plane, as well as the Voidworld that Xavast had constructed, Rodrigo is now home and firmly back in control of the Nansuelan faction of Aracia. He is determined to end his brother Giancalo's insurrection, but his time with Xavast has also made him deeply concerned about the future of Aorna as a whole. He knows that Xavast will stop at nothing to find the Seed of Concordance and is willing to offer as many resources as he can to beat the lost god to it.
Current Location
Date of Birth
31 Selshandee
Year of Birth
5569 AGC
63 Years old
Ernesto Salemanco
Giancalo Salemanco
Lucinda Salemanco
Basilia Salemanco
Current Residence
Light Green
Thick, Black, Curly, Cut Short with a Well Kept Beard
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
200 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"There is no more noble act than that of my father. There are no kings left in Aracia. Soon, the people must prove their own nobility, and rule themselves."
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
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