Aracia Organization in Aorna | World Anvil
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Aracia (meaning "The People's (Cia) Land (Ara) in Old Aracian) is a proud nation, and perhaps the largest by pure landmass of any in the Merchant Sea region of Sheanora. Claiming the land from Picaberry in the East to Orchard in the West, Aracia is so spread out that it spans several distinct cultural regions.   The Frontier is an outstretched wilderness, dominated mostly by expansive forests, but also blessed with verdant farmland, freshwater lakes and rolling plains. The few residents of the Frontier would not consider themselves to be Aracian, but have come to expect annual visits from tax collectors in Nansuelo. Both Girduar and Torcest have laid claim to the same territory, but Aracia is the only nation who actually bothers to send its representatives to the few settlements scattered throughout. Most maps would not put the Frontier within Aracia's political borders (nor have we here).   West Aracia starts in the Port City of Riocruce and spreads through grasslands, hills, mountains - all the way to Nansuelo and Lake Cratores. West Aracia is the most prosperous part of the nation and those who live there view themselves as stewards of Aracian art and culture. The center of this territory is made up of verdant farmland, supplying most of the crops for the cities and towns that surround it. It is also known for its immense windmills and granaries.   There is more wealth in West Aracia than there is in most other nations by themselves. This is mostly due to the trade of Aracian Steel, the most valuable metal in The Merchant Sea region and perhaps all of Aorna. Aracian Steel produces nearly impenatrable armor, protecting its wearer from conventional weaponry as well as the effects of some spells and cantrips. For most of history, the Aracians have horded this powerful metal to themselves, allowing their armies to have a major advantage in military conflicts - especially against arcane foes. Enemies often heard stories of warriors who were impossible to slay by magical means, which would keep them from from starting a war in the first place. Many believe that this is why Arcenveld has never made an attempt to expand into Aracian territory. However, the specialized iron - infused with meteorites from the Collision - required to produce Aracian Steel is so rare that only the wealthiest and most important soldiers and politicians would don it in battle.   During the Infernal Wars, the nation began to produce Aracian Steel weaponry and armor for its allies in Tionmenel and the Baskan Isles. They were so satisfied with the quality of the items that once the war was over, they became clients - purchasing as much of the substance as they could. The reputation spread and before long, the southern kingdoms of Vul'Badir became clients as well. Both Kir'Estami and Kul'Morava have bought weapons to use against each other and Aracian Steel has become a status symbol in the wealthy Vathesian cities. It is said that more Aracian Steel exists outside of Aracia than within at this point in history, though that does not bother those who have lined their coffers through its sale. The Maktiga River is often referred to as the "Blue River" - referring to the hue of the ore when it is pulled out of the ground - because the cities along its shores have gained so much wealth since the war. In Reladuen, they mine and store the iron, in Espenaros, the mills refine the iron into steel and in Riocruce, the end result is shipped around the world.   There is some worry that the Aracian economy has become too reliant on Aracian Steel, as many of the mines have begun to dry up. It is a little known secret that to meet the demand, much of the iron used to create this material is now mined in the Dwarven city-state of Nutharcanth and the Drow citadel of Icharyd. In fact, the man responsible for trade in Aracia, Ernesto Salemanco, has kept this information from his brother, the Sovereign Prince.   Much of the wealth in cities like Nansuelo and Riocruce has gone towards art and religion - often times both at the same time. The temples and churches in Aracia are among the most beautiful in the world - with enormous murals depicting ancient divine battles and lifelike statues telling the stories of the miracles the Gods had performed. Clerics, paladins and priests from throughout Sheanora - and sometimes even from Vul'Badir - make pilgrimages to these temples in hopes of growing closer to their patron. This is especially true of practitioners of divine magic from across the border in Arcenveld, who have found themselves cast out from that society. Aracia is home to some of the greatest religious philosophers in all of Aorna and since the end of the Infernal Wars, many believe that it is a nation destined to protect the world from demonic or devilish invasions.   East Aracia starts at the eastern edge of Nansuelo and continues out to the river town of Tarraledo and the Halfling Village of Picaberry. The land here is much more arid, made up of rocky terrain, mesas and deserts. To the north is an immense forest that continues to grow denser as it becomes the High Elven nation of Tionmenel.   The people of East Aracia are hardened, tough and independent; but they still would acknowledge themselves as Aracian - unlike Frontiersmen. They view Western Aracians as soft and overly consumed by frivalous endeavors. 40 years ago, East Aracia was invaded by Mephistia and the people were forced to fend for themselves as their Eastern neighbors were slow to heed the call of war. East Aracia still stands as a land of warriors waiting for a fight, protecting the rest of the country from the horrors of the Battlehaunt. The landscape is littered with forts and other military ruins that they hope they'll never have to use again in large scale battle.   Despite having been decades since the end of the Infernal Wars, many of the towns in this region are still waiting to be rebuilt. Whole neighborhoods in Tarraledo look as though the battle is still ongoing and have become havens from criminals and cultists. The Sovereign Prince has made a genuine and concerted effort to convince merchants and nobles to invest in the East, in hopes of solving some of these problems, but the lure of Aracian Steel and the art and culture that it helps to produce has made it difficult for the wealthy to want to move to such a desolate place. His efforts have failed, making him extremely unpopular in this region. Eastern Aracians feel betrayed and belittled, especially considering the sacrifices they made on behalf of the rest of the nation.   In fact, there is a growing movement of citizens who have begun to argue that the West and the East should split into two distinct kingdoms when Aracia completes its final steps towards democracy. The East is genuinely frightened that they won't be properly represented in any new government that is formed, so these radicals view secession as the only option to retain control over their situation.   Still, there are opportunities to be found in Eastern Aracia. Scattered about the deserts and forests are leftover remnants from the Collision - stones referred to as Lunaquartz. These translucent crystal stones are a key component of many higher level spells and are often used to power automatons and clockwork beings. They are especially valuable to enchanters. As such, more and more town officials have started offering bounties for Lunaquartz to drive their local economies and have been using the funds from their sale to reinvigorate their wartorn homes, investing in new infrastructure since it seems that the crown will not be.

Demography and Population

Approximate Total Population: 6.3 Million   Population by Ancestry
  • Humans: 6 Million
  • Rock Dwarves: 100,000
  • Hill Dwarves: 100,000
  • High Elves: 50,000
  • Lightfoot Halflings: 50,000
  • Stout Halflings: 50,000
  • Territories

    Known Settlements: Riocruce (Port City), Espenaros (City), Tarraledo (City) Cenprodera (Town), Vestadonia (Town), Carratea (Farming Village), Riomia (Mining Village) Sequera (Village), Ovibella (Village), Aldea (River Hamlet), Picaberry (Stout Halfling Village)   Frontier Settlements: Orchard (Hamlet), Agriarid (Village), Shortpier (Hamlet), Sparrow's Nest (Stout Halfling Village)   City-States Within Territory: Nutharcanth (Rock Dwarves), Oadandain (Wood Elves)


    Publically Worshipped Gods:
    • Estus, The Purifying Light - God of the Sun and Healing
    • Qomos, The Open Book - God of Knowledge and Education
    • Sevast, The Just Hand - God of Justice, The Ancestor of the Feathered Dragons
    • Kemehea, The Eversprout - Goddess of Agriculture and the Harvest
    • Caedalin, The Artist - God/Goddess of Art and Creation, Ancestor of the Elves
    • Arthedis, The Gleaming Tower - Goddess of Civilization and Culture
    • Ausalai, The First Seed - Goddess of Nature and the Sea
    • Beldain, The Cooling Iron - God of the Forge, Ancestor of the Dwarves
    • Crucera, The Crosswinds - Goddess of Trade and Commerce
    • Vados, The Last Stand - God of Strength, Courage and Sacrifice


    • Aracia
    Geopolitical, Country
    Head of Government
    Government System
    Monarchy, Constitutional
    Economic System
    Market economy
    Cruceran Trade Currency:
  • Platinum Orchids
  • Gold Roses
  • Silver Tulips
  • Copper Lilies
  • Major Exports
    Aracian Steel, Lunaquatz, Grains, Lumber, Ale, Cattle, Bison
    Official Languages
    Controlled Territories
    Neighboring Nations

    Non-Aggression Pact

    It has been forty years since the end of the Infernal Wars and the primary combatants, Aracia and Mephistia, remain at an uneasy peace. For the most part, the governments trust each other. Sovereign Prince Rodrigo Salemanco's father, Bartolome, was a close friend and ally of Empress Eristea Renardin and Aracia's military might was key to her retaking the throne. They also provided her with troops during her attempt to eliminate fiendish influence after the war.   That said, the Aracian military views Mephistia with deep skepticism and maintains continued readiness should Eristea lose power of the rest of the nobility. There is also some prejudice amongst the citizenry. Older Aracians, especially those in the east, blame Mephistia for the dangers of the Battlehaunt that still plague the border. Mephistians often view Aracians as judgmental, uptight and entitled. They are exhausted with being blamed for the Infernal Wars when most of those still alive fought against the Emperor and his fiendish legions.   Still, relations grow better with each passing year. As long as their leaders remain friends, this will continue.


    Aracia and Arcenveld have a long held peace across their border and are frequent trade partners with strong diplomatic ties.    However, that public demonstration of cooperation belies a tension that has undergirded Aracian-Veldian relations for decades - if not centuries.    Aracians, by their very nature, are celebrants of personal freedom and individuality. They view Arcenveld's tight control of their population as borderline tyrannical and question the intentions and motivations of The Ascendant. The Sovereign Prince has always believed that it is difficult to trust an anonymous group of magicians, merchants and mercenaries who work only through intermediaries - and thus he keeps a close eye on Arcenveld, a myriad of Aracian spies spread throughout Veldian cities. Aracia also holds a vendetta against Arcenveld for not coming to their aid during the Infernal Wars.    Arcenveld distrusts Aracia because of their free-thinking and open outlook towards all forms of magic, which is tightly controlled within its own borders. The Ascendant has also long propped up their own power by encouraging discussion of "The Empire of the Arcane", a mythical society in which Arcenveld ruled over all of Sheanora. Many of the more militant members of Veldian society believe that Aracia sits on land that Arcenveld once called its own and resent the ancient Aracians who separated from them and formed their own nation.    This tension exists largely in the private halls of power within the two nations, though the populaces use negative stereotypes when communicating about their neighbors. Aracians often call Veldians "Line-walkers" because of their renowned neutrality in regional conflicts. Veldians often call Aracians "Sorcerers in Waiting" because of their openness to unlicensed magic.

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