Calvis Character in Ancient Thedas | World Anvil
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Proconsul Calvis

Calvis is the Proconsul of Schwarzstein, therefore the head of the town and responsible for upholding the law. He is under direct command of the Magister and Preater of Vol Dorma.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Calvis is old, and reaching an old age is not a given in these dark times. Overall though he is healthy, apart from the normal signs of aging such as restricted movement and joint pain.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Calvis is no mage, but was born into an Altus family - it is rare, but it happens. Since there is no chance he could have ever become a magister he instead was offered the position of Proconsul of Schwarzstein. Offered in the way of, more or less, being forced by his family to go to Schwarzstein and leave his home of Vol Dorma behind.   Calvis was born into the Blight and therefore the trip to Schwarzstein was perilious. Only barely he escaped a darkspawn ambush. He has been in his position in Schwarzstein for almost 30 years now, and despite not liking his exile he still feels a deep loyalty to the town and its people and is concerned for their safety.   Eventually he married a local woman and had three children with her, of whom only one reached adulthood, Vania. Family is immensely important to him, particluarly after his wife died he has become even closer to his daughter and her family, despite his and Vania's different worldviews. When Vania announced that she wanted to leave with her children it tore a rift into their relationship.


Proconsul of Schwarzstein


Family Ties



Daughter (Vital)

Towards Calvis




Father (Vital)

Towards Vania




The relationship between father and daughter was always a bit troubled, due to clashing worldviews. Both still hold each other dear, and when Vania left Schwarzstein, finally a small step in the direction of reconciliation was made.

Shared Secrets

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Calvis had no idea about Vania hiding Johann. She kept it a secret.


Granddaughter (Important)

Towards Calvis



Grandfather (Vital)

Towards Yana


Wealth & Financial state

Calvis dresses nicely, usually wearing blue robes that give off a certain noble flair. He lives in one of the bigger houses of Schwarzstein, in tune with his position and title.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Proconsul of Schwarzstein
Year of Birth
833 TE 55 Years old
Current Residence
amber, droopy eyelids
dark brown turning grey, balding
Related Plots
Known Languages
Tevene, Ander, Trade Tongue
Ruled Locations

Events in Ancient Shadows

  Currently his disposition towards the players is neutral.   He doesn't know that some of them work for the Desert Crows, he assumes they're just travelers that joined them on the way to the east. He also doesn't know that Harold helped Vania and her family to join the caravan as well.   He disclosed to the group that he doesn't like being in the position of Proconsul here, but he still sees it has his highest priority to keep the town and its people save from harm.   In the end he was thankful for the group's help in Schwarzstein and offerend them a small reward of 15 silver each.   He found a half-eaten banana in his house that smacked down a vase, and he has no idea where it came from.

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