Human Species in Ancient Thedas | World Anvil
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Descendants of the Neromenians who arrived in Thedas from a different continent centuries ago. Today they are the dominant species of Thedas, expanding fast and adapting easily to a broad range of climates and terrains. Human society is split into an abundance of ethnic groups with their own various traditions, languages, and cultural identities, shaped also by the regions they settled in.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The language spread throughout human society the most at this point is Common/Trade Tongue that was developed with the help of the dwarves. It is understood even by some of the southern barbarian tribes.   Tevene is the main language of the Tevinter Imperium and spoken by every group that is a part of it.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The humans have an overall good relationship with the dwarves, even though in the past decades it has cooled off a little. Dwarves and Humans still trade and are on friendly terms, but the Blight strained their relationship, both groups searching for the other's fault in the whole situation.   The relationship with the elves is and was always strained, even before the fall of Arlathan. Elves are second class citizens at most, the majority are enslaved and those few who remained free live in far off and secluded areas the Imperium doesn't care to reach. The humans see themselves in the right to take what they want, since they were victorious against the crumbling elven empire.
60-70 years
Average Height
1.6 - 2.1 meters

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