Liger River Geographic Location in Alvez | World Anvil
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Liger River


The Liger is one of the longest rivers in Kornôgel, traveling from its source in the Dark Kingdom to its mouth on the the Armorican Peninsula. Along the way, it is fed by other tributary rivers, growing as it nears the sea, supplemented by countless streams, brooks and rivulets along its winding path.   The Liger's long route passes through numerous sovereignties, beginning in the Kingdom of Arle, skirting the Kingdom of Gallia, forming the core of the Duchy of Anjev and emptying out in the Duchy of Letha. It serves as the border for numerous smaller states, and a symbolic divide between the Northern Sovereignties and the South.  

The Upper Liger - Source to Nevers

The source of the Liger is three springs located atop a volcanic lava dome in the Bishopric of Vivarais in Arle. It travels North through the Counties of Velay and Forez, making up the border between the Barony of Jaligny and the Viscounty of Charolles. it bends Northwest, continuing between Jaligny and the County of Autun. Here is crosses into the County of Nevers, where the Allier River joins with it to the West of the city bearing that name. This region is marked by the fast moving mountain river, cutting through gorges and lined by forests as it races downhill. The population of this area is low, and few major ports exist along this stretch.  

The Middle Liger - Nevers to Angers

Here, the River again forms the border between the County of Donzy and the County of Sancerre, in Neustria, then the County of Gatinais, in the Gallian Crownlands. Reaching its Northern peak in Orleans, it bends Southwest, passing through the County of Blaez. At the border, it passes into Duchy of Anjev. In Anjev, the river continues west, passing through the Lordship of Loches, between the County of Touraine and the Lordship of Montbazon. It marks the border between the Lordship of Saumur and the County of Angers, briefly skirting the Viscounty of Mauges.   In this region, the river widens considerably from a narrow valley to an alluvial plain, marked by a wide, and generally straight flow. The river is lined with sandbars and islands in this area, the surrounding plains providing fruitful agricultural production. The region is also marked by limestone hills and numerous caves.  

The Lower Liger - Angers to Estuary

  In Duchy of Letha, the Liger divides the Northern March of Ancenis and the Southern March of Naoned Vignobles, widening as it does the same for the Viscounty of Naoned and the Viscounty of Retz. At the border of Naoned and Barony of Gwenrann, the river passes the Andennspire, a massive statue of Elouan the Lanternholder, opening up into the Pleg-mor Gwaskogn and emptying into the Mor Bras   The lower Liger is flanked by fens and marshes, its spongy ground lined with dozens of small channels and tributaries. The estuary itself is marked by a large tidal area.


The Liger Valley enjoys a mild climate year round, with warm winters and few extremes in temperature.

Ecosystem Cycles

The Liger is prone to flooding during the Skeotrenn, the Month of Wet Wind, especially in the Middle Liger region. Canals, locks and levees have been built to mitigate the worst of this.

Fauna & Flora

The Liger is heavily forested from its source in Arle to Orleans, consisting primarily of oaks, beech and pines, while the marshy wetlands support ash, alders and willows. The Goosefruit Tree (Barnacle Tree) grows along its flow in the Lower Liger region, but others have been recorded further upstream in lesser numbers.   The Liger is home to an incredible variety of freshwater fish, including varieties of salmon, trout, Lampry and smelt. Eels are common in the Upper region, while flounders are found near the river mouth. Catfish, sturgeon, pike and carp are also common.

Natural Resources

The salt-tolerant Salicornia grows in abundance in the marshes of Letha, where it is harvested as a culinary ingredient. Vines are found in abundance in the Central and Lower Liger, especially in the Anjevin Liger Valley and the March of Naoned Vignobles, used to grow grapes for wines, brandies and raisins. Melons, apples, cherries, quinces and pears are also grown in abundance along its flow.   Saffron is extracted from flowers of Orleans. Greengage desert plums, imported from Ubar, thrive in the castle gardens of Anjev,


At one point in its history, the Liger continued north past Orleans, joining with the Sena River and emptying off of the Alabaster Coast. The River of Envorad is a semi-dry riverbed marking this former path.   Following the Tear, the region was inhabited by tribes and clans of Bediz, with Korrigan and Sidhe making gradual progress against its flow. During the reign of Gradlon Mwar, the Kingdom of Kernev made ample use of the Liger, trading as far as Orleans. The Battle of Tours, ending the War of the Erlking, took place along its waters, as the ships of Ys and Kameled arrived to cut off the Alfr's charge Southwards.


The river is easily the most traveled in Kornôgel, with transit and trade stretching from Arle to the Place du Vin in Naoned, the largest port for inland water craft on the continent.
Alternative Name(s)
The Garden River
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