Titans Myth in Aiaos | World Anvil
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The titans were the first civilisation of Aiaos, a race of massive, elemental beings created to watch over the World. Some were humanoid, and others were not. Traces of their technology – and a handful of surviving titans – remain, scattered around the world, and the last of their sky cities still sail above the world.   The Titans were the creations of the Old Gods, born of the elements to be the guardians of the Primeval Gods' creation. The first generation were truly colossal beings, while their children were still larger than any Giants. Finding that they could not safely live among the smaller beings, the Titans came together and their greatest artisans combined their skills. Theirs was the first true civilisation on Aiaos, and its legacy still remains in the world, countless millennia later. Traces of their technology, and a handful of surviving titans, remain, scattered around the world, and the last remnants of their sky cities still sail among the clouds. The Earthshapers created vast citadels and mansions and estates out of stone, and the Cloudsmiths made them fly. The Sparkcallers gave power to these cities, the Rainmakers made water flow through them, and the Stormwrights shielded them from attack. Nine great sky cities were forged – Titania, Eurosia, Astraea, Caladea, Thosis, Aenion, Xandias, Atrea and Mecheri – to be the hearts of the mighty empire of Titanis.  

The Fall of the Titans

Accounts of the end of the titans vary, but all involve the Colossus War.   What is known is that when the first mortal Dragons brought time into the world, all but the first generation of titans discovered to their horror that they too were mortal. Some of them adjusted to this, but others - the so called Mad Titans - refused. They were ancient, nigh-invulnerable, the most powerful beings in the world, they reasoned, and they sought whatever means they could to restore their former longevity. None have ever proven that it was one of these who deliberately drew the gaze of the Colossi, but something attracted their notice, and they came. With few other beings able to face them and stay sane, the titans were the front line of the Colossus War, their sky cities transformed into mighty battle platforms, but it was not enough. Titanis fell, and with it, almost all of the titans were lost to death or madness.  

The Last of the Titans

At the end of the War, the titans were no longer a race of any kind. Barely a handful remained, and their children had dwindled to mere giants. The great immortals of the first generation have long since fallen into deep slumber, and have not woken in centuries.
  • Titans of the Air: The children of the Wind-Waker had airy flesh and often feathered skin. The first generation included the Sky, the Clouds and the Winds. Of their children, only the Cloud Giants and the last of the Great Rocs survive.
  • Titans of the Earth: Stone-fleshed and slow of manner, the children of the Land-Strider were born to endure. The first generation were the Mountains. Of the later generations, the Stone Giants and their debased Hill kin remain, along with the vast and terrible Tarrasque.
  • Titans of the Fire: Dangerous, but protective as well, the first children of the Flame-Bearer are the Volcanoes. The Fire Giants are their humble descendants.
  • Titans of the Water: Turbulent and erratic, the children of the Ocean-Born are mercurial in temperament and form. The eldest are the Waves, and their children survive in the Storm Giants and the mighty Kraken.
  • Titans of the Firmament: The children of the Soul’s Breath are fleshless beings of spirit, who proved more resistant than most to the horror of the Colossi. Many of these beings, from the mighty Empyrean to lesser celestials, now serve and aid the Young Gods, but others, fleeing the conflict into The Abyss, became corrupted and found service under the first Archdevils and Demon Princes. The last of this lineage in the mortal world are the Storm Giants.

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