Titania Settlement in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Titania was the greatest sky city of ancient Titanis, which rose from being one among the nine to become the vast and sprawling capital of the empire of the Titans. It's power was secured through trade and obligation; within a century of the creation of the empire, every other city owed something to the ruling houses of Titania, and within another century every other ruling house owed House Imperis and its head, the Imperion. The great trade guilds, including the almighty Shipping Masters, had their halls on the eastern sprawl of Titania.   Titania was also the religious hub of the empire, with the greatest shrines of the Old Gods located on the western hub.   After the Colossus War, the city became the capital of The Orden and the seat of power of the Storm Giants. Even after the ancient speaking stones which bound the cities together lost their power and ended all pretence of a united empire, Titania remained a great power in the world, but some ninety years ago it fell into the Auroral Highlands, where the storm giants have begun to establish a new stronghold after forcing out the insular Orcs, Goliaths and Goblins.
Large city


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