Old Gods Myth in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Old Gods

The Old Gods were the first deities to be born of existence, coming into being under the influence of Soraes and Doraes on the elements of the World. They are sometimes called the Elemental Gods, and in the moment of their creation the Elemental Planes took shape to be the foundries of Aiaos, providing the gods with raw materials.   They were the gods of the balanced and harmonious world, responsible for completing the work which The Primeval Gods began. Alas, when that harmony was destroyed, they were forced to retreat into The Firmament and leave the guidance of the World to others. Although broken and weakened, the Old Gods are still the most potent wells of divine energy in existence, and the root source of the Young Gods’ power.  
  • Iestros, God of the East, sometimes called Firstborn, Songbearer, or Wind-Waker, was born of primordial air.
  • Geostros, God of the West, Land-Strider, Mountain Father, was bornout of the primordial earth.
  • Marestes, God of the South, Ocean-Born, the Salt-Tear, rose from the waters of the first oceans.
  • Crematis, God of the Centre, Sky-Fire, the End and the Beginning, Flame-Bearer, was born, consumed and born again in the roiling of primordial fires.
  • Notus, God of the Centre, Soul’s Breath, Life-Giver, was born from the crucible of life that was the primordial world of Aiaos.


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