Soraes Geographic Location in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Soraes (a proto-Titanic name which means 'child of firelight') is the sun of Aiaos, a primordial, celestial entity of light, life and destruction which transcends the usual categories of gods, yet is in some sense divine. The Aiaosian sun, one of the major Celestial Bodies, is born in fire each morning, rising from the Aurora in a spectacular display. From the perspective of an observer on the surface of Aiaos, it appears to rise several hundred miles north of the elemental boundary, although in fact it exists within the Firmament, its light shining through to the material.   After rising, Soraes circles the dome, north to east to south to west, before setting where it rose; because of this, ‘right-hand’ rotation is called sunwise. It is believed that the Sun Chariot settles into one of the Divine Mansions, a celestial mirror of the Plane of Fire usually known as the Palace of Dawn. The length of each day and night is the same throughout the year, but in the summer months the sun rises more sharply and to a higher point in the sky, resulting in warmer weather for a longer part of the day. It reaches its highest arc at midsummer, and stays lowest at midwinter.   Because Soraes itself possesses no discernable personality and exists beyond petitions or worship, there are many Young Gods associated with the sun in its many aspects. While Soraes remains the sun itself, and the ultimate source of all light and life on Aiaos, manifold deities use its disk as a focus of their own worship.   The light of the sun is associated with truth and revelation, but also with the madness and ordeals of too much awareness.


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