Introduction to Agia


Congratulations on finding this book, containing all the knowledge available to scholars in what you might understand as the human part of Agia. My name is Aewydim Scibodaeth, and I am the author of these articles you might read here. For those who knows the meaning of my name, which is All Knowledge, it is not my real name, since I have written some articles that are not public knowledge, and I might be hunted down by some people, by sharing what I know. You alone are responsible for what you read, and if you find yourself in trouble because of this book’s knowledge, you have been warned. I will not be held responsible for any witch hunts caused by what you share from this book.

— A note left by the author
  It is commonly believed that the Goddess Irath was created by Light and the Goddess Rathias was created by darkness. Though there are different accounts of who and why they created what they did, I will dare say, they both created everything we might know of in this world together, mostly to act against each other, since they were almost complete opposite of each other, despite being twins. You might wonder how the goddesses could be twins when they were created by two opposite powers, to which I will simply answer; don’t question the Goddesses, because nothing good will come of it, especially if you do it verbally!

The Goddesses died about a thousand years ago at the hand of a human named Cailan, causing the human part of Agia much chaos. But thanks to Ptlomethia's prophecy, the different human churches now know their agenda. The two Goddesses’ souls will be reincarnated in two siblings of Cailan’s blood, but that has yet to happen.

The Species of Agia

Agia has seven major groups of sentient species: Harawyr, Ghrefeim, Dynbodaul, Taroth, Rathamaen, Mwahatath, and Môrwen. Some of these have subspecies and are divided like that, like Taroth and Harawyr, while others are one group though also have different groups as well, such as Ghrefeim, who are divided by those who live outside the mountains, and those who live inside. Though most people believes the Taroth species are extinct, there are some who believes they live in the fabled lands.

I have made an extended article of Taroth as well, but my knowledge is limited on these since there are only very old records of them. Not much is known of the Rathamaen and Môrwen species. They keep for themselves, and have only been sighted a few times. Rumours have it that Môrwen are responsible for sinking ships that travels to the southern islands, as well ships in the north. Some scholars have discussed the possibility that Môrwen protects the fabled lands, but it is more of a wild guess.

The Land of Agia

The land of Agia is considered being of four parts, and one unofficial part.


To the east is the Fabled Lands. There are only accounts of these lands in the Books of Irath and the Scrolls of Rathias, and of course in fables, legends, and so forth. No one knows exactly what this land looks like, since no human has successfully traveled to this part of the land yet. So far the only ones who know of these lands are the Harawyrs of Magaun called the Bucath, since they have made maps of this region before the Divide. There are also islands in this part of Eastern Agia. Some are the legendary Matem Ynsulas, where all life comes from, this is written in all accounts of the human world, despite of religious differences.


Continue to read more about Western Agia.
To the west are the human lands, and mostly those whose religions are based on the Book of Irath. There are also Ghrefeim and Harawyrs in this part as well. There have also been rumours of Rathamaen sightings, though no proof has been presented. The Bucath are the only Harawyrs in this part of Agia. It is a small tribe and they are sceptical of strangers until you have proven yourself to them. The Ghrefeim either lives in the mountains or outside, but their lives resemble that of humans.


To the north are the lands of Eternal Winter. Not all the land in the north is covered in snow and ice, but most of it is. It is believed that the Hailan of the Goddess Rathias and one of her prophets as well, covered most of Agia in ice, in order to make more people believe in Rathias, it did not last, but the north is still covered by ice, and that is why most people of the north believes in Rathias. In these lands, there are also Ghrefeims as well.


To the south are the islands of unknown. It is, of course, not unknown, but the humans who lives here believes in a completely different religion and have a different culture than those humans of the North and the West. And most western and northern humans do not want to know their religion or culture, since they believe their part of Agia is better, thus naming these islands the unknown.

Considering these islands, which are almost impossible to travel to because of the treacherous waters surrounding the island, the spread of knowledge, culture, and religion from these islands does not really happen, at least not from Western Agia, what spreads from the islands is a different story.

The populations on these islands stem from the ashes of the great and ancient civilisation called Satlonia. Many of the traditions and religions from Satlonia are still part of the modern Saithon Islands.

The middle of east and west

In the middle is the Chasm of the Beast, an enormous chasm that stretches from the northern part of the continent to the south. No human has ever crossed the chasm, because of the fear of the beast that lurks deep down the chasm. A belief is that if the beast is not fed, it will eat the western part of the continent.


There are two major religions in Agia, Irathism, and Rathism. There are branches of these religions, but difficult to flash out, since they all either follow The Book of Irath or The Scrolls of Rathias. After the Goddesses’ death, some started to believe in the powers of Light and Darkness, arguing they were the real gods, since they created the Goddesses. Their belief is called Tynelusism, a combination of the words Tynebris and Lusgafn. It is accepted officially by most countries, but not completely accepted by the two major religions.

The south follows different religions. The Saithon Isles follows the belief of the Desert Mother and Father Sun and Saitlonian Pantheon. The Desert Mother and Father Sun is a belief that the humans of these isles were born from the Desert Mother and Father Sun. While the Saitlonian Pantheon stems from the ancient civilisation, Satlonia, but has gotten more gods and goddesses after the fall of Satlonia.

The Bucaths believes in spirits and ancestors, and it is very possible that the Harawyrs of the East might also believe in this.


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Jun 13, 2022 18:17

The idea of the two goddesses who are opposites creating the world is quite interesting.

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