Aegimius History of For Storia Timeline

History of For Storia

  • 3000

    Start of the Sundering
    Era beginning/end
  • 2000

    Creation of the Three Families
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

  • 1453

    The chaining of Iharis

    8 chains binding Iharis to the Abyss created by Hirta, The Three Families, Asmodeus, Selene, Ula, Ivdur, Xena, Oruer.

  • 1453

    The Fall of Ginshira
    Disaster / Destruction

    The fall of the Greatest floating city was brought down by its own people the Yearot. They had experimented with something that had gone wrong. It had destroyed part of the city. The Deiteis tried to help the city but they looked at the Deiteis being there as part of an assault on the city so they attackted the dieties. In defence the Deities attackted back.

  • 0

    The Divergence

    The gods became locked behind the divine gate.

  • 191

    Birth of Orym
    Life, Birth
  • 216

    King Bastet removed from throne of Kingdom of Fur
    Political event

    King Bastet removed from throne and Kingdom of Fur becomes Dukedom of Fur.

  • 426

    Abraxas born to Shamy & Daphal
    Life, Birth

  • 489

    Amanda makes first full map of For Storia with Daphal
    Discovery, Exploration

    party includes Amanda, Daphal, Nasu, and a wyrmling Abraxas.

  • 495

    16 Formurst

    Death of Amanda and Juniper
    Life, Death
  • 503

    8 Bivesh

    Birth of Ink Heist
    Life, Birth

  • 516

    Destruction of the Zumren Family
    Civil action

    Additional timelines
  • 650

    Destruction of the Cult of Zumren
    Civil action

    Additional timelines
  • 786

    16 Zenith

    24 Zenith

    Visit of the BunBun
    Gathering / Conference

  • 793

    27 Zenith

    5 Flovird

    Visit of the BunBun
    Gathering / Conference

  • 801



    Visit of the BunBun
    Gathering / Conference

  • 809



    Visit of the BunBun
    Gathering / Conference

  • 810

    Battle of Black Scale
    Military action

    Additional timelines
  • 816


    15 Zenith

    Arrows Landing and Velum Dispute Solved
    Political event

    Relentless Hounds of the Sea are able to obtain and return the missing Orb to Sanvae from the Triton Kingdom of Velum.

    Arrow Landing
  • 816

    1 Prol

    House of Fenquen Established in Alnerwick
    Political event

    Julian Magnus & Fin Fenquen accept a joint seat on the Alnerwick Council and move the family to Alnerwick from Vetande .

  • 816

    4 Formurst

    Return of "Fiend"

    The individual that brought the madness to Alnerwick at the beginning of the event is found to have returned to Alnerwick. She laces the parties food with a dust of deliciousness and is able to charm four of the individuals (River, Quzal, Mike and Alasara) of the party into attacking the rest of the party.

    Tobias catches her scent and follows her, with Meltrin following. She attacks and knocks Tobias unconscious as Meltrin comes upon her. Meltrin gets a shot off before she disappears.

    Session Report
    Read Session Report
  • 816

    5 Formurst

    Attacks of Gorga and Agzar
    Military action

    The trading posts of Gorga and Agzar are attacked. Gorga falls with all 511 indiviuals at the post being slaughterd. Agzar is able to survive losing only 416 people. A survivor shares that they were were attacked by metal men.

  • 816

    7 Bivesh

    The Great Blackout of 816
    Plague / Epidemic

    All beings on Fika are cut off from magic. Orym Kupp, Fexiah Heist, Ink Heist, Velvet Heist, Velour Heist, Frank Stein, and Alynys Zumren Fenquen, all fall unconscious due to magic being cut off.

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