Actreines Species in Actrein | World Anvil


Actreines, as their name implies, are the inhabitants of Actrein (which they named after themselves).
Due to the atmosphere of their world, they are able to use magic. Not all Actreines are at the same level of magical skill. Some are capable of creating hurricanes that could level entire villages effortlessly, while others are only capable of creating the smallest of winds. Some can almost bring someone back from the brink of death, while others can only heal a mild papercut.

Anomalous Traits

While most Actreines are similar to the typical Actreine, some Actreines have had unexplainable anomalies in their traits.

Less Fingers

While a typical Actreine has seven fingers, sometimes an Actreine child will be born with six fingers. On rarer occasions, a child will be born with five fingers. There is no certainty as to what causes this, though some hypothesize that it's a rare genetic flaw.


There are two types of wings that an Actreine can be born with: skeletal wings or feathered wings.
Skeletal wings are more common. The wings are unable to be used to fly, and drain much of the Actreine's magical energy to even possess these wings. Often this means the Actreine is unable to cast many of the higher-tier spells, or even the middle-tier ones in severe cases. Actreines born with skeletal wings are often nicknamed "Reaper Actreines".
Feathered wings are far more rare. These wings can be used to fly, however it takes some of the Actreine's magical energy to do so. However, they are at bare minimum still able to cast middle-tier spells, unlike their Reaper cousins. These Actreines are often nicknamed "Divine Actreines", though some also simply refer to them as angels.

Basic Information


Humanlike, with the exception of their pointed and elongated ears, as well as their skin tones. Actreines also typically have seven fingers rather than five.

Growth Rate & Stages


Birth to 1 year old
An infant Actreine is very similar to a human infant. They're completely reliant on their parents, and are largely incapable of most things. While an infant Actreine technically does have some magical aptitude, it's either inaccessible or very difficult for the infant to control.


1 to 4 years old
Toddler Actreines are also very similar to human toddlers. Their magical aptitude is stronger than an infant's, but they're still too young to be able to fully control it. Some of the child prodigies may start attempting to control it at this age, but the average toddler is still focused more on learning their world.

Young Child

4 to 12 years
Young child Actreines will appear to be the same age as human children aged 3 to 8. However, this is the stage at which they begin being taught how to master their magical aptitude. Most Actreines don't master this until their adulthood, though there are some exceptions.


12 to 19 years
Pre-teen Actreine children look the same age as human children between 8 and 13 years old. They're beginning their transition towards their teen years, much like human children are. Often, the teaching is still at the same level as the young children's training.


19 to 29 years
A teenage Actreine looks about the same age as a human between the ages of 13 and 19. Their teaching is becoming more intense, and they're learning to better control their magical abilities.


29 to 68 years
Most Actreines have mastered their magical abilities by adulthood. This is when Actreines often become full members of their communities,


68 to 99 years


99 to 120 years


While an Actreine's average lifespan is longer than the average human's, they are still a mortal race, and thus eventually do die.

Ecology and Habitats

Actreines have adapted to multiple habitats. Some live in temperate forests, some have adapted to the frigid tundras of the north, and others have adapted to the scorching heat of deserts.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Primarily omnivorous, though it mainly depends on the individual Actreine's tastes.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

About the same as humans, with about the same variance

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

  • Hearing
  • Sight
  • Touch
  • Taste
  • Smell
  • Magic (though not everyone can use magic to augment their senses)

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Whisperers are the most common parasites for Actreines.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Curiously enough, very similar to English names (Read: I gave the characters English-sounding names, and now it'd sound weird to call them something else)

Average Technological Level

Some places have electricity (courtesy of several Elemental Mages), but they don't have cars/computers/telephones.
They have running water in some places, but in others buckets of water are required.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Bikan (Spoken primarily in Phaera)
Cordili (Spoken primarily in Saiba)
Eigiel (Spoken primarily in Kruthia)
Ayuni (Spoken primarily in Stonad)
Bubada (Spoken primarily in Chutus)
Famuri (Spoken primarily in the Tratia Archipelago)
Erathi (Spoken primarily in Venzo)
Kreshnei (Spoken primarily by Kreshmen and in The Kreshniva Protectorate)

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Actreines count in base-14.

Common Myths and Legends

The myths and legends of Actreines largely depends on who you ask.

Vel Tuturi

The Vel Tuturi have several myths. Their most popular and most widely-quoted myth is the Vel Tuturi creation myth, which details how the Vel Ghiti created Actrein and everything else.

Cult of Three Divines

The Cult of Three Divines also has a plethora of myths.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Demons - Actreines as a whole are terrified of the demons, for good reason. Their appearances are not of Actrein, yet nobody can remember where exactly they came from, nor can they remember how long ago they arrived.
Half-Demons - Public opinion is split when it comes to the Half-Demons. Some Actreines feel immense pity and sorrow for them, seeing them as tragic victims of their demonic blood. Others despise them, believing them to be willing traitors. Still others simply fear them as much as they do the demons.

Additional Details

Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Homo remotus sparus
~120 years
Average Height
Average Weight
150 lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Some are a light blue, some are a brownish-gray, and some are a darker more milk-chocolate-like brown
Related Materials
Related Articles
Magic in Actrein's Atmosphere
Spells and Magic
The Vel Tuturi
The Cult of Three Divines
The Actreine Empire
Northern Actreine
The Kreshniva Protectorate
The Tratia Archipelago
Actreine Ear
This is the shape of an Actreine ear
Actreine Skin Tones
The three most common skin shades of Actreines: Kreshman, Equatorial Actreine, and Northern Actreine (from top to bottom)

Cover image: by Nat


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