Vel Ghiti Character in Actrein | World Anvil

Vel Ghiti

The Vel Ghiti is the god of the The Vel Tuturi.


While no recent records or depictions of the Vel Ghiti exist, there are ancient legends of the Vel Ghiti appearing among us mere mortals. These ancient tales speak of a figure, shaped like us but in the same way different, bearing a skin the colour of the most vibrant emeralds, and wrapped in great robes of silver.
Tales vary from person to person, some claiming for Him to have ten skinlike wings of the deepest shadow, while others speak of Him having no wings at all, instead being carried by a cloud of glasslike feathers. All agree, however, that He appears with a long-shaped face, upon which six eyes rest, while the rest of His visage is obscured, whether from the feathers or wings draped over His body. He is always seen as sitting, though there is never any information on His grand throne, usually leaning forward, left hand outstretched with five closed fingers. His right arm, meanwhile, is bent at the elbow, hand pointed to the air. While His right hand only bears three fingers, two of them point upwards, while the thumb rests extended sideways. From the top of His head sprouts bone, the color of deep obsidian, arching from His scalp and curving down His back.
All reports of His majesty must be taken with a grain of salt, however, as all who have claimed to have seen Him show signs of mental instability, if not downright insanity.

Divine Domains

The Vel Tuturi believe that the Vel Ghiti's domain is all of Actrein. If you can think of it, the Vel Tuturi believe He has control over it.

Holy Books & Codes

The Books of Hope - the official holy book of the Vel Tuturi Church
Vel Tuturi History Tomes - the official historical records of the Vel Tuturi

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Symbols

  • The Tree
    The Tree is a reference to the Vel Tuturi Creation Myth, in which the Actreines were created from a tree and a shard of ice. The Tree has also been used as a symbol of the Vel Tuturi as a whole, and for the Vel Ghiti himself.

Unholy Symbols

  • The Serpent
    The Serpent is the symbol for heretics and false gods. In Vel Tuturi artwork, The Serpent is often depicted as curling around a smaller branch of The Tree, with a vicious forked tongue and bright red eyes.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Heresy is the highest of sins. If a heretic refuses to be converted, they shall be put to death.
  2. Dedicate your life to honoring Me, and to spreading the word of My glory.
  3. Be not afraid to lay down your life in the pursuit of My honor. Such acts of selfless bravery will be regarded with honor by future generations.
  4. Let not the serpent deceive you into heresy, for its poison is as contagious as it is bitter.


U'raij - a holiday celebrating Uazgyai (often seen as the patron saint of bravery).

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The Vel Tuturi believe that the Vel Ghiti desires for His creation to be happy, and for them to acknowledge and worship His greatness. The existence of heretics is said to greatly sadden Him, especially knowing that heretics are unable to achieve enlightenment and join with the souls under His protection.
Vel Tuturi: Pure Followers
Vel Ghiti: Pure Savior
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Almighty Ruler of Everything

Cover image: by Nat
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