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Map of the Actreine Empire
Actrein consists of seven different regions: Saiba, Phaera, Chutus, Kruthia, Venzo, Stonad, and the Tratia Archipelago. The Saiba region also contains the Kreshniva Protectorate.

Main Regions


Saiba and Kreshniva
The Kreshniva Protectorate's territory is everything beyond the upper black line (plus a few islands nearby the main landmass).
While Kreshniva is technically part of the Saiba region, it is also partially a distinctly unique subregion. Thanks to frequent peace discussions and negotiations, the Kreshniva Protectorate has earned a status as being partially independent from the Actreine Empire, while also being officially part of the empire and being expected to uphold several of the laws and regulations that the rest of the empire is held to.
Despite this, there are several Actreines who are clearly offput by Kreshniva's presence in the empire, and many Kreshmen have outright said that they'd much prefer Kreshniva was its own independent nation. Regardless of the discontent voiced by the empire's citizens, the empirical leaders are adamant about the Protectorate remaining a part of the empire.
To read more about the Saiba region, click here.
To read more about the Kreshniva Protectorate, click here.


Phaera is largely a quiet farming region. It is also the second smallest region in Actrein.
Merchants are often attracted to Phaera by the prospect of trade and peaceful scenery, as well as quiet villages to stay in while they're visiting. This same scenery also often attracts tourists and vacationers.
However, there is one place within Phaera that attracts a different crowd. This place is the Sands of Devouring, Actrein's main (and largest) desert. It is said that multiple thrillseekers a year adventure to the Sands of Devouring, only to never be seen or heard from again.
To read more about the Phaera region, click here.


Chutus is home to the largest mountain region in all of Actrein, known as the Anvils of the World. This name comes from their shape and height - while being exceedingly tall, many of the mountains in the range are actually flat-topped, looking very similar to anvils.
Chutus is also one of the largest regions in Actrein, second only to Kruthia. However, the gap between sizes is only barely noticeable, and indeed some maps even portray Chutus as being the larger of the two.
To read more about the Chutus region, click here.


Kruthia is commonly seen as the largest region in Actrein. It is also the region that houses the empire's capital, Khatence City. Kruthia also features the empire's largest river, known as the Sincrameard River.
A popular attraction to Kruthia, aside from the empire's capital city, is the large amount of beaches alongside the region's coast. Many tourists often vacation here during the hotter months of the year.
To read more about the Kruthia region, click here.
