Mana Stones

Written by and bufiogarugi
Formally known as: Kievskite
"Mana Stone" is the colloquial name for the Kievskite gems that are commonly believed to be one of the sources of Actrein's magic. However, it's believed that Mana Stones are not the only things responsible for the presence of magic.


Material Characteristics

In Nature

Mana Stones in nature appear hardly any different from other gemstones like diamonds or rubies. Their coloration can vary, though the most common colors are blue and green. They often have a very strong luster, which distinguishes them from other gems that can be found underground. Sometimes even a simple pebble can have traces of a Mana Stone vein, granting them very limited magical augmentation power.

Polished and cut

Mana Stones are commonly cut and polished to facilitate their use in magical weapons and other magical items. These stones, once cut and polished, often resemble other gems. However, they retain their natural luster, which is significantly stronger than those of other gems.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Mana Stones are generally warm to the touch, a sensation commonly believed to be linked to the way in which Mana Stones create magical energy.

Geology & Geography

While Mana Stones can be found all across Actrein, they're curiously very commonly found in Kreshniva. There are multiple theories as to why this is, but none have been able to prove or disprove any of them as of yet.
This would also explain why Kreshmen tend to have a higher natural magical ability than other Actreines.

Origin & Source

While there is no definitive explanation for how the Mana Stones remain around, especially considering their short half-life, there are two main explanations for how they appear. The first explanation believes that the stones do not begin decomposing, releasing their energies, until they have made contact with the air. The second belief states that the stones are always radiating their magical energy, filling the atmosphere, however the Vel Ghiti, in His mercy, adds or refills the volume of Mana Stones in the planet.

Life & Expiration

The half-life of a Mana Stone is around 200-250 years. The use of a Mana Stone in casting magic can boost the power of the spell, at the cost of shortening the half-life of the stone. The ability to boost magic is dependent on the size of the stone.

History & Usage


Mana Stones were first discovered in -100 TE, by an Actreine who unfortunately has gone uncredited for their contribution to scientific pursuits in Actrein. It was believed that this discovery was made in Kreshniva, as many Mana Stone veins have been found there.

Everyday use

Magical Weaponry
The stones in these weapons often serve two purposes. They augment the innate magical aptitude of the user, but they also make the weapon stronger and more durable. This makes them a favored choice above non-magical weapons.
Magical Armor
Like with the weapons, the Mana Stones strengthen the wearer's magical aptitude as well as the armor itself, granting it more defensive capabilities. In some situations, they've even been able to allow the armor to protect against other spells.
The Mana Stones used in jewelry are so small that their magic-augmenting capabilities are effectively nothing. Instead, the jewelry only serves the look pretty, and look pretty they do. Their brilliant colors and powerful luster make for highly desirable (and thus highly pricey) pieces of jewelry.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Mana Stones are hugely important to Actreine society, and not just because they're responsible for the creation of something they literally need to be able to function normally.
The mining, refining, and selling of Mana Stones allows for multiple jobs, from the miners who retrieve the raw version of the gem to the blacksmiths who use Mana Stones in armor and weapons.


Mana Stones can be used as-is, but they can also be polished and cut to be more usable as decoration or as a part of weaponry/armor.


Trade & Market

Kreshniva is the most common seller of Mana Stones, as many veins have been found there. However, there are multiple Mana Stone mines all across Actrein. As such, the regions all have their own sellers of Mana Stones. This has given Mana Stones the distinct position of being both a luxury and a commodity.


While Mana Stones do not require any specialized methods of storage, they are generally stored and moved while wrapped in thick cloths, soaked in the oils refined from the sweat of Je'vali. The oilcloths serve as a barrier to magical access, lengthening the stones' half-life by not radiating magic everywhere they go, as well as preventing them from being drawn from by those around the caravan for magic spells. While this is less of a worry with small stones, such as those used in jewelry (due to their low amount of energy contained), it is a great concern for anybody moving stones larger than a limb, especially when in the range of person-sized chunks or bigger. Stones of that size, when uncovered, function as a bright magical beacon, showing the transport's location to everyone in the vicinity. They also would have enough energy to be reliably drawn from for magic casting, encouraging their use by the caravan for defense, or by their attackers.
"The stone before me was uncut, its edges unclean and irregular. Even in the daylight, its glow would have blinded me. Its brilliant blue color seemed stronger, more pure. Clearly, it was no ordinary gem."
— From the journal of the explorer who first discovered Mana Stones
Decently valuable
Fairly common
Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Violet, and White
Kievskite is about 23 grams per cubic centimeter
Common State
Solid (ore)
Related Locations
Related Species

Cover image: by Nat
This article has no secrets.


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