Whisperers Species in Actrein | World Anvil


Whisperers are a species of small parasites that are attracted to their hosts by mental or emotional distress (be it rage, depression, anxiety, or insecurity). They latch onto their host (most commonly on the back of the neck) and feed off of these negative emotions, cultivating them like some warped version of a farmer. Whisperers cannot be removed once they latch onto a host. Oh, certainly, you could remove the skin that it's attached to. But doing that would just attract more Whisperers. The only way for a Whisperer that's latched onto a host to die is for the host to die.

Basic Information


In terms of anatomy, they're very similar to fleas or ticks. In terms of size, they're about as big as a grape.

Genetics and Reproduction

Whisperers don't reproduce. Instead, they are created when a Shade is created. A Shade of Depression will create more Whisperers than a Shade of Love.

Ecology and Habitats

When not latched onto a host, Whisperers lurk in the dark places of the world: Dense forests, caves, and things of that nature.

Dietary Needs and Habits

When latched onto a host, Whisperers feed off of the negative emotions of its host. When not latched onto a host, Whisperers' nourishment is obtained through feeding off of the fear of prey animals. However, they can't latch onto the animals due to the thick fur.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Whisperers are everywhere. If there are sentient creatures with negative emotions nearby, you can almost guarantee that Whisperers aren't too far away.

Average Intelligence

Not intelligent at all. Their emotional and mental manipulation is entirely through the chemicals in the host's system. They feed off of and encourage the chemicals that signal a negative emotion.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their eyesight is very poor. However, they have an impeccable sense of smell, which they use to find their host.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

They are parasites. Their main hosts are the Actreines.
Depends on their host, and how old their host is when they attach. Without a host, a Whisperer does not have a very long lifespan - about the same as a fly's.
Average Height
3.5 cm
Average Weight
Average Length
2 cm

Cover image: by Nat


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