Session 21 - Heroes of Vellsten by Kaito | World Anvil

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Sat 17th Dec 2022 11:38

Session 21 - Heroes of Vellsten

by Kaito "Oreson" Brinejaw

The cages all have a lock on them within the door mechanism. I ask a Peryton Guard, who's in one of the cages who had the keys and he mentions the blue tiefling, Gorgarian. I run back outside and grab a set of keys from his body and head back. 2 out of the 6 keys are bent, I try to bend them back but they snap, but thankfully the other keys are all that we needed.
We're up against it trying to save everyone as the building is very unstable and is collapsing.
We asked if any of them were the "Sanguine Girl" Kurash mentioned. Eulen Steek, things that the "Sanguine Girl" was someone Kurash wanted to meet somehow, through the ritual they seemed to be preparing. Eulen's wife Molly was the first person to have disappeared.
Ape tells us that Raskin went after Kurash down the trap door he had found.
I notice the small boy who is now with his family, has a slight greenish hue to his skin, very reminiscent to myself as a child, likely another Water Genasi.
We make our way away from the temple and the fissures by going down some vines into one part of the fissure, and back up another set of vines and make our way back to the tunnel entrance that we took from Vellsten to get here, and set up camp for the night to rest before the long 9 hour trek back to Vellsten.
The Water Genasi boy's mother mentioned meeting his father in Groomba Pond, he stayed for a while then left, she then found out she was pregnant with Avan.
The scroll I opened, is a rudimentary map of Kasar, with 2 points circled. One area is very close to where we are, south of Vellsten. Another circular spot in the top left in Varleska, across the mountains from Dredgedeep.
A Tabaxi comes over, has a mountain lion look to him. Called Dayrin Lane, gave us thanks for helping. If we find ourselves in Kraya, a town in the west in Sansura. Asked us to stop by the Singing Opal shop.
Sorkin, a dwarven man who's based in Hashal, a deep delver who searches for various items and works with Dayrin Lane who sells his items for him. He might be able to help with my search for the Sul'Partha temple...
The next morning, I use the spell Create Food and Water to feed the townsfolk. I send a message to Norman Laeve to let him know about the dagger.
Minstra Houdine Jumblewood thanked us again with the town and asked us to visit him in the morning for a reward.
The festivities of the night party that the Vellsten townsfolk threw for us, having saved them from potential sacrifice. I discussed with Ape our next plans and he agreed with me about my thoughts on where to go next.
The next morning, we decide against seeing Minstra Houdine Jumblewood in case he insisted on giving us money for the bounty he had put out.
Beneath the corpse in the sarcophagus, is a small hole and some text, which is glowing. The school of magic being given off is conjuration. We burn the corpse, and Malaphor is adamant he wants to keep the sarcophagus which is insane to me.
The next morning I send a message to Arcanist Sishan telling him about the sarcophagus and if he wants it. If so meet us in Trentsigrad in 3 days. Arcanist Sishan said he's interested, will send someone, possibly Curtana.
We arrive at the location of where the Raven Queen temple should be, but no temple in sight. I walk around looking and as I push through some shrubs, I hit my shin on something, and as I pull away the shrub I notice roofing of a building, seemingly sunken into the swampland. We dig around further, and find a section that has boggy mud going into and as we dig away, we find our way in and see a spiral staircase descending down further into this temple.

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  1. Session 1 - New Beginnings
  2. Session 2 - Drunk and Disorderly
  3. Session 3 - Crossroads and Giants
  4. Session 4 - Lorger's Thicket
  5. Session 5 - Pentareach Beginnings
  6. Session 6 - Pentareach Rumble
  7. Session 7 - Friend of the King
  8. Session 8 - Forgotten Ruins and Mystery
  9. Session 9 - Blacktop's Secret
  10. Session 10 - Depths of the Blacktop
  11. Session 11 - Morgan's Mystery
  12. Session 12 - Visions and a Cleansing
  13. Session 13 - The Long Road
  14. Enemies
  15. Session 14 - Laelos Arrival
  16. Session 15 - A Royal Mistake
  17. Session 16 - Revenge and Truth
  18. Session 17 - Trouble and Research
  19. Session 18 - Lonely Toad and Proposition
  20. Research
  21. Session 19 - Vellsten and Disappearances
  22. Session 20 - Wear-wolves, bears and rats?
  23. Session 21 - Heroes of Vellsten
  24. Session 22 - Raven Queen's Champion
    12th of Morne Yowa
  25. Session 23 - Revelations and a Chaotic Victory
    14th of Morne Yowa
  26. Session 24 - The Manor and Word
    15th of Morne Yowa
  27. Session 25 - Isaiac's Maw
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  28. Places of Interest
  29. Allies
  30. Session 26 - Manor Gains and Desert Travels
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  31. Session 27 - Hashal and Partha
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  32. Session 28 - Hashal's Rift Ki
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  33. Session 29 - Sol'Partha
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  34. Session 30 - Partha's Mystery
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  35. Session 31 - Odror Partha's Fall
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  36. Session 32 - Odror's Sentinel VS The Paragon
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  37. Session 33 - Asgorath Revelations & Beast Rescues
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  38. Session 34 - An Exotic Rescue
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  39. Session 35 - Demonic Beast and Desert Travels
    2nd of Yoweth
  40. Session 36 - Malaphor's True Self
    2nd of Yoweth
  41. Session 37 - Triumphant Winnings
    3rd of Yoweth
  42. Session 38 - Sailing the seas and Chankata
    6th of Yoweth
  43. Session 39 - Asgorath's Chosen United
    7th of Yoweth
  44. Session 40 - The Doyen's Teachings
    1st of Uthwix
  45. Session 41 - Notes
    1st of Uthmix