Session 34 - An Exotic Rescue by Kaito | World Anvil

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1st of Yoweth

Session 34 - An Exotic Rescue

by Kaito "Oreson" Brinejaw

We managed to catch up and overtake the boat on our Momoko's and got far enough ahead to hatch a plan. We decide on flying onto the ship and attack. I get brought into Ape's menagerie box and when he's on the ship he'll let me out. Everyone else flies on using the Copper Cuirass' that we found in Odror Partha.
The battle on the ship wasn't as difficult as we had feared and we managed to save all the animals. Most of the crew were let go by telling them to jump off the edge, but Raskin did practically execute one of them as he pleaded for his life.
As Ape puts the final blow to Silan, his eyes widened as Ape mentioned Titans Bane and before he died he said "He's co...". I asked Ape to grab his body as I want to cast Speak with Dead on him to find out what he was going to say.
We kill the rest of the Rhukta Syndicate members on the ship and find more creatures for Ape to save. We then grab Silan's body and jump off the ship which is now beached. We travel 20 or so minutes away on Momoko and set up for the night in the Tiny Hut.
Ape also found in the ship, an iron box that had scratching sounds coming from it, but no way to open the box as it looked like it had been welded shut. I have an idea to create a chisel made of stronger metal than iron to slowly chip away at the seam in the morning with my Channel Divinity, as well as casting Speak with Dead on Silan to find out what he knows about us and what he was going to say before dying.

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  2. Session 2 - Drunk and Disorderly
  3. Session 3 - Crossroads and Giants
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  8. Session 8 - Forgotten Ruins and Mystery
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  11. Session 11 - Morgan's Mystery
  12. Session 12 - Visions and a Cleansing
  13. Session 13 - The Long Road
  14. Enemies
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  16. Session 15 - A Royal Mistake
  17. Session 16 - Revenge and Truth
  18. Session 17 - Trouble and Research
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  29. Allies
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  37. Session 33 - Asgorath Revelations & Beast Rescues
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  38. Session 34 - An Exotic Rescue
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