One with the Earth by Never | World Anvil

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Sat 22nd Apr 2023 01:21

One with the Earth

by Never Nestknitter

I talked to Rerae . Believe it or not, she doesn’t hate us. Not even Abby and Itophi, though she don’t think a lot of either of em. I told her she’s wrong about Abby. She thinks her wounds can’t be healed. That’s why she made herself into a patchwork person. I told her to try to open herself up to the possibility that she can be healed. One because I think all things are possible through the Everlasting Flame, but also because those cloth patches are starting to smell a might musty. I think she doesn’t WANT to be healed. I think she likes to stand out so that people look at her funny, and she takes those looks as sort of a penance. I told her she don’t have to stay with us. We’d be fine without her if she’d rather stay with all those kids she adopted. She said, “no,” she wants to stay with us because she don’t think anyone could fill her shoes. She does want to be a mama to those kids, she just doesn’t want to have to be around them to do it, I guess. Anyway, she did say she would try to be a better teammate us.
Itophi shifted us to the elemental plane of Earth. She shifted us INTO THE ACTUAL EARTH. We all took a load of damage, and she actually died! Luckily Arc was near her though and he revived her. Mavinda found a load of gems. For some reason though, he thought Itophi should have all of them instead of the group. I managed to keep a real big diamond for Abby though. I’ve never seen one so big! Itophia said she needed a ten pound gem for… something. I didn’t forget what… she was just real cagey about it.
I spoke to Barg. I told him he’s doing great things and I’m proud to know him. I don’t think he was really paying attention to me though. It was awkward.
Oh… one more thing and this might be important. Time seems to be looping for us. It’s not looping for everyone though. As far as we can tell, it’s just us. Including Itophi which proves she’s unbound like us.