Ch-ch-changes by Never | World Anvil

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Thu 24th Aug 2023 09:56


by Never Nestknitter

Well... I either broke the world or I fixed it. Maybe both? We saw different points in our lives... and suddenly we were there. The worst day of my life. The day that changed everything. I didn't even think. I just ran. I ran to that tree and yelled at my siblings and I to go hide in the woods. And they did... and I remember it. But I also remember not running. How can both be true? I know I wasn't in my right mind, I just acted without thinking... Why didn't I run to my house and save my parents too? I was just filled with so much rage and sorrow I acted without thinking and killed Chradixra 24 years early. Now everything is changing and everything is muddled. My siblings are alive. That thought fills me with so much happiness. They're alive and they had great and happy lives. Lives I was a part of... but I only have faint dream like memories of. I have memories that don't feel like my own and memories I am sure happened, but didn't. Am I even me anymore?