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Copyright of "Shared" Statblocks

Statblocks shared by the creators of World Anvil openly for the community falls under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International

ID Name Template Tags
by Easton2
Character Sheet
trippsixes' Coqui sheet
by trippsixes
Character Sheet
(P2e character test)
by SethDBinDE
Character Sheet The House NPC Harriet Family
Inflict Girth
by Spinner123
Spell Spell Concentrate Manipulate Positive QP Uncommon Arcane DIvine Occult Primal
Gladespring Bow
by Lonely Djinn
Item homebrew magic item weapon
Cap of Translation
by Lonely Djinn
Item homebrew magic item
Khenys Kelja
by Daemixis
Character Sheet
Rune Mage
by Sabaoth87
Pathfinder 2e Generic Statblock
Imperial Armored Coach
by Expada
Item pathfinder 2e item
Nazria's Sheet
by arlo.hemming
Character Sheet
Needle Darts
by Dr.Vivox
Spell spell pathfinder
Arcane Eye
by Vivien_hoz
Action / Feat Feat pathfinder skill feat
Edit THis
by elazullizard
Character Sheet
by Srivver
Item weapon rare magic item
by Srivver
Item Magic Item weapon
by Srivver
Item item unique artifact custom item
by Srivver
Item weapon unique artifact custom item
Claws of Anguish
by Srivver
Item weapon unique artifact custom item
Merciless Bite
by Srivver
Item weapon unique artifact custom item vampire fangs
Battle Medicine [pf:1a]
by QweenQ__
Action / Feat
by bdoDnd
Character Sheet
by Misquoth
Inspire Defense ♦
by Misquoth
Quick Disguise
by Misquoth
Action / Feat
Lie to Me
by Misquoth
Action / Feat
Clever Improvisor
by Misquoth
Action / Feat
by Misquoth
Action / Feat
Wholeness of Body ♦
by Misquoth
Wholeness of Body
by Misquoth
Action / Feat
Mystic Strikes
by Misquoth
Action / Feat
Crushing Grab
by Misquoth
Action / Feat pathfinder2e Class Feat 2 Monk
Incredible Initiative
by Misquoth
Action / Feat pathfinder2e General Feat 1
Quick Repair
by Misquoth
Action / Feat pathfinder2e Skill Feat 1
Flurry of Blows ♦
by Misquoth
Action / Feat pathfinder2e
Crimson Sphere
by Sabaoth87
Troop Commander Dedication
by A.D. Malcomson
Action / Feat
Peasant Levy
by A.D. Malcomson
Monster / NPC
Command Troops
by A.D. Malcomson
Action / Feat
Peasant Rabble
by A.D. Malcomson
Monster / NPC
Jareth's Sheet
by Sambastud
Character Sheet
Garth's Character
by Casamyr
Character Sheet
Luka's sheet
by BleiGwenn
Character Sheet Rogue
Miraken’s Sheet
by jhave1
Character Sheet
Raia's Sheet
by QweenQ__
Character Sheet
Aura of Humility
by KissedByFire
Testicular Torsion
by AGodWithoutAttentionspan
Step Sideways
by Nyroka
by Nyroka
by Ian Eiriksson
Action / Feat Knowledge 2 Druidocracy Magocracy Necrocracy Theocracy
Magic Split 1/Day
by Variable Variety
Action / Feat