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MAY 2024: Monthly update

Competitions and Challenges

I've had a ton of fun preparing stuff for the Food, Glorious FOOD! Unofficial Challenge. For me, the culmination came on June 1st, when I assembled all the products to make a bread bowl full of sour rye soup. Why not make it before the deadline? I was having so much fun testing new stuff and... got carried away and lost track of time. XD

Here is a special candy treat made by and for the loved ones:  

Honey-nut roses by Angantyr

A massive shoutout to Makenzie Turney a.k.a. moonflower-writing, who hosted the challenge and a massive thank you to all participants. You can find the submissions in the comment section -- all 20+ bursting with flavour and an inspiring story to share.


Foraging and wildlife

I managed to find a few species of edible flowers and leaves. Even though there were too few rainy days, I started a series of articles with Foraging inspirations. Mushrooms, pt. 1 -- the lookalikes. Plans for next parts include: peculiar looks and unique biology. Stay tuned for more!


Climbing the WorldAnvil learning curve

Variables, variables, variables galore. This was my favourite this month as I uesd the Food challenge to write down some quantity-related names. Tables and Content trees were in play as well, but admittedly I


Worldbuilding progress

A handful of new articles on food, which inspired me to go a bit further into where the food comes from, how it is processed and how it shapes the lives of people in my world.

The map and the short story have to wait. Apparently it was not their time, yet.

  Overall May has been pretty eventful, both positively and negatively. What I do hope, is that at the very least there come some neat stories out of it!   Cheers and see you in the coming days. SUMMER CAMP IS ALMOST HERE!!!       #MonthlyUpdate #UnofficialChallenge #GloriousFood #UsingWorldAnvil #ForagingInspirations

April Update (Repost)


This is a repost.

There was an unclosed bbcode in my previous global post which affects the whole homepage. So it's been private and now I fixed it. I hope you understand

And now, back to my update

What I've been

My writing was slowed down due to the house crisis I've been facing since last year, and I couldn't focus anything but thinking about a stable income, and I'm currently unemployed. To make things worse, my only income that is Ko-fi was suddenly blocked which I have just fixed as I wrote this.

Despite that, I had a wonderful Songkran Day - the summer water-splashing festival! It washed away my doubt, and I've never been so fresh in many years!...

Until the bills came.

In Worldbuilding Side

During the Adventure April 2024, I wrote the first story that wasn't plot summaries based on Terraloga, but instead of having a linear storyline, it's a branching storyline,

That's right. I wrote a replayable interactive story for the challenge! it's called To Rid The Iron Trade. I've promoted it before but I'd like to promote it again because I loved it, and probably you too!

To Rid the Iron Trade
Plot | May 16, 2024

You are hired by the Irgia Republic to steal a powerful crystal from the grand palace, which they believe holds the secret of the empire's greatest arsenal. Can you get rich or die trying? You decide!

I also wrote one article about the former frontier town of Valonia Empire.

Settlement | Apr 22, 2024

The former frontier city, now a popular place for vacation - named after the great king.

May Plan

Last month, my mother challenged me to pay our house's electric bill entirely, so I want to focus on turning my world-building projects into something other than writing. I'm so excited to see how many things I can do this month!

If you want to support me please consider tipping me in Ko-fi and Buy-Me-A-Coffee

  • Writing Krin-Valonian Patheon
  • Doing more arts
  • (Maybe) Youtube stuff
  • Be more productive


    Best Wishes!


    I drew this to thank everyone who helped me make the shortlist for Best Timeline of Worldanvil's Worldbuilding Awards 2024! I can't wait to get to know the winner on the 18th of May!


    March Update

    Howdy again. #monthlyUpdate

    What I've been

    Well, things stat to complicate, like an endless stream of crisis, meaning I didn't have much time to focus on writing. There's no unofficial challenges I succeeded, and so all my writing goals from last month's plan.

    To be fair, I didn't publish anything except My Worldbuilding Awards 2024's Entries and the additional update on my lovely timeline for such.

    Speaking of awards, thank you so much for all the loves and follows you gave me! it mean a lot. If you love my works, consider support me on my tip jar at Ko-fi.

    April Plan

    April is consider the hot month in my place. Thankfully, lots of water splashing festival, you know what I mean, may cool the weather down for a bit. As I want to be chilled and relax during this time, writing will be a bit less stressful and more focused.

  • Adventure April!
  • Do something with my Ko-fi page
  • More drawings on my Twitter/X
  • I hope everyone have a great, chilling month, and don't forget to keep yourself cool - the sun is a deadly laser.


    P.S. The first voting phase is over. We'll see who will be on the shortlist during the second phase which started on 13th! #wawa2024


    January 2024 Update

    Hello again!

    Last month I've been giving major treatment to Rarmon Dynasty, the reigning royal families. I was spending most of night-time adding monarchs up to the present, with dedicated portraits. With this action, tons of stubs were created - probably more than 20. I've a plan to publish all so the dynasty tree can be clickable. I also have other royal families that connected them.

    Aside from them, I've published several articles, all in Terraloga:

  • Maximus Intertemis
  • Iron Height
  • Myth of The Power Stone
  • The Crystal Empire
  • Ikanos III
  • This year's resolution!
  • I also edited some old one, as well as entires from last year's WE:

  • Rondius Intertemis
  • Ronminar Isles
  • Rondius V
  • February Plan

    To be honest, I've no plan to make progress on the world's storyline at the moment. So I'm going to continue what I've doing since last month.

  • Complete the royal families on Terraloga
  • February's Curiosity Cabinet
  • Complete the Krin-Valonian Pantheon (Maybe)
  • I wish everyone a nice February!

