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Rondius Intertemis

Rondius Intertemis is the amphitheater located in Valone. Naming from the king at the time, Rondius II, it has been used for official festivals in the empire.


Rondius Intertemis is a circular building with 4 storeys height with basement, capable of 50,000 spectators. Like any high-class building, fine marble and granite were being used for its main structure. Any corner is decorated with marble statues and the golden emblem of the Valonian. On the highest stories, the retractable awning made of waterproofed canvas can be extended to block out the sun and rain off the spectators. It used polleys system for each awnings to be work manually by stuffs.

As part of the Grand Palace, there is a balcany connecting the center of the stadium and the old palace, allowing royal family to easily watch the show as well as judging and attending the ceremony.

The stadium is one of the finest pieces of the Valonian's architecture, but it can't compare to what their former self used to be. Prior to 25 BVE, Rondius Intertemis was a longer, bigger stadium. In other words, it was a hippodrome, capabling of chariot racing, their old traditional sport.

The original design was 3 times longer though only 3 storeys height, and both end were round, making overall shape like a slice of a capsule. It could held up to 150,000 spectators, with special extansion for the royal family, nobles, and the senate, directly from the balcony of the palace.


Built in 271 BVE during the kingdom era, Roudius Intertemis was used as the chariot-racing stadium that entertained people in the city for centuries.

However, soon after the kingdom was defeat to the Empire of Kritus in 30 BVE, following by the lack of horses and restriction act from the empire, this grand stadium had been heavily sacked and left abandoned. Grasses grown around corners and walls. Most of architectural features were either corroded, colapsed, or stolen.

Dominu, the governer at the time ever decided to demolished the stadium for constructing Excor Eulesir. But luckily, as one-third of it left, the progress stopped after Valone was liberated.

Instead of recreate it, the half-stand stadium had been overhualed into amphitheater -- The field dug up for the basement built underneath, the height increased, and other half-circle enclosed the opened space. In 3 VE, the new hippodrome, Maximus Intertemis, was built.

Founding Date
271 BVE
Parent Location

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Cover image: by J C

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Author's Notes

6/1/2024 - Post-SC edit: tags added, major update (the location and Maximas Intertamis).

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