Yuri Denisevic Character in Wyrth | World Anvil
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Yuri Denisevic

Son of Dragil

Yuri is a curious and youthful man, hailing from Kovia, a once-great former city state in the north of Kalastrad. He was a low-ranked noble up until recently, when he relinquished his seat. This ruffled few feathers, as he had no subjects and no obligations at court, allowing him to wander as his fancy guides.   He is said to come from a long line of proud nobility, a direct descendant of Mikoslav "Dragil" Denisevic. Were this to be true, Yuri would be the living heir to one of the oldest ruling families in all of Wyrth, having consistently held the ruling seat in Kovia since 572 AL. Alas, having relinquished his title and bearing no heir of his own, the dynasty has ended. While this is a great tragedy to many of the nobles, Yuri seems to care little. He is far more interested in studying new fields like Skepsology and Arcanology. These are both fields he has become fascinated by, and has even been said to have approached Enoch Renfield while at court to discuss such topics.   Now freed of his noble duty and ready to seek out knowledge, he has actually begun seeking an adventuring party so that he can save some people. He figures that, with his education and the lessons he received in the art of physical combat, he would be capable of taking on at least low-level Quester gigs.   Of course, all of it - his lineage to his inquiries to his profession - are largely built on false pretense, as he has actually been alive for over four-thousand years.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

His public history and his true history are two different things. To the world, he is the young lord Yuri, inheritor of great wealth and fortune from his father, Niko. Niko, in turn was brought up in the ways of nobility and inherited a title from his father, Egin. Of course, all of this is untrue, as Yuri has actually been every generation's figurehead since well before Kalastrad was even conceived of, using his ability to shapeshift in order to change identities. To the world, he is a young and curious man who seeks knowledge and adventure out of a sense of youthful wanderlust. The reality is that he has grown extremely bored of immortal life and seeks something thrilling, throwing himself into adventures for the sake of an adrenaline rush.   His story began in the Age of Lords, when the Vlädka of Kovia was actually still Yuri, albeit a Human version of him. True name "Yuri Dragovic", he had inherited the Vlädka title while still in his mid teens, causing many of his advisors and members of his governing body to try and sway and manipulate him. Naturally, having lost his father and main guide at such a formative period, and his mother a shell with grief, he was on an emotional rollercoaster, already. Perhaps it was immature pride, maybe he sensed the ill intent of his court; regardless, he saw fit to "release from duty" every retainer he had and overturn the governing bodies by installing new sheriffs and alders, hoping to secure a quieter court. Or, at the very least, one that didn't treat him as a child.   Alas, this was only the beginning of a downhill slope.   First there was the attempt on Yuri's life. To this day, he has yet to prove it, but he is certain that it was one of his retainers seeking vengeance for his casting them out.   After that came the war. Though written about in very few history books, there was actually a war between Kovia and what would become Caripice, as Caripice tried to expand their borders. Despite his studies in the theory of battle, Yuri was woefully unprepared for actual conflict. Unfortunately the war cared little, and, as the bodies piled up, he searched for an answer. Said answer came when one of his new viziers told him of a fountain that would grant great power to anyone that drank of it. Yuri listened.   When he reached the Sanguine Spring, he did not see a fountain overflowing with radiant waters, but a fetid pool of blood. However, he was assured that the spring would give him the power he needed to beat back his enemies. Reluctantly, he drank.   Within days, he was vomiting and writhing on the floor. His mother was inconsolable as her son shrieked in agony. During a moment of clarity, he screamed that his vizier be shackled in the dungeon for poisoning his lord. If Yuri came out of this, there'd be hell to pay.   Agony quickly turned to ravenous hunger. In this time, Vampires were still very new to the world - Dragil had only been removed from the seat of Kovia four generations ago - so no one knew what to do for him. However, after he killed and partially ate one of his servants, it became clear that he couldn't be allowed to roam free. Shackled in his chambers, he lived out the remainder of his time as a mortal, slowly turning to a chrysalis.   When he emerged, he was starved, tearing through his palace on a rampage of blood. Tens were slain, their blood drained before he got to his mother. She begged him to stop, but he couldn't. His hunger went too deep. He wept as he drank her blood, taking the life of the only family he had left. Only then was he able to look at himself and see the monster that had overtaken him; fingers had become claws - skin covered in chitin. In his rage, he had been blind, but he could now see that his eyes were gazing into the mortal and spirit worlds. He could smell all the blood in the halls of his palace. He could hear the shrieks of terror from his servants. He grabbed a mirror, but couldn't see himself - there was no reflection.   That single truth caused Yuri to despair for weeks, but, when he returned to himself, he decided to be the best ruler he could be, though his body complicated things. Thankfully, in time, he learned to turn himself back to somewhat normal - even if only in appearance. And, even with his appetite, he ruled for millennia, presiding over his people well even after subjugation by Kalastrad. There may have been some psychic suggestion involved, but Kovia managed to maintain the majority of its autonomy. However, from the day he killed his mother on, he swore never to reveal his true nature.
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
5732 4069 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Not so much birth as rebirth, he drank from the Sanguine Spring and was reborn as a Vampire
Circumstances of Death
Not really death - actually undeath, the Sanguine Spring technically killed him
Shaggy, black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 10" or 177.8cm
157lbs or 71.21kg

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