Vampire Species in Wyrth | World Anvil
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Vampires are incredibly powerful Undead that feed on the blood of others. While capable of surviving on one meal a week, and not requiring any specific blood variety, the typical Vampire will feed more often and prefer the blood of a sentient creature. This has earned them a reputation as fiendish, pseudo-demonic creatures that take great pleasure in the suffering of others. While this is certainly accurate for many, it is a generalization that reduces the complexity of their kind. In truth, it's more a factor of Alaric culture than of their species as a whole.   Vampires are split into two groups: Alari and Dima. The Alari or "Highborn" are those born of the blood from the Sanguine Spring. Dima or "Lowborn" are the Vampires sired by the Alari. The further from the Sanguine Spring a Vampire is "generationally", the less honored they are. There is a small drop-off of power as the generations go on, but it not overly noticeable until you compare chunks. A second generation and a sixth, for example, are leagues apart in strength. Conversely, a third and fourth are pretty close to equals, and mortal adeptness will play a large role.

Basic Information


Since any race is able to be sired into a Vampire, their morphology is varied, though consistent elements are the facial features. However, being reborn as an Alari will alter the body of the newly sired to look like other Alari, giving them smooth skin, two legs and arms, four eyes, noses, pointed ears on the sides of their head, claws, and a chitinous tail. After a time, the Alari will learn to control their form, being able to assume a visage like the Dima.

Genetics and Reproduction

Vampires reproduce asexually through their blood. If a mortal ingests the blood of a Vampire, they will be converted into one. Since Vampire blood is technically poison, consuming too much of it will cause the individual to die, rather than become a Vampire.   The exception to this is the Dhamphyr, which is born of the sexual union of a mortal and a Vampire, though that is a narrow window of opportunity.

Growth Rate & Stages

The process of becoming a Vampire is rather long and difficult to make it through.   The first is the Feral stage. Immediately after drinking the blood, the newly sired will retch and writhe in pain before falling asleep. Upon waking, they will be manic and violent, driven mad by hunger and overwhelmed by their new abilities such as their enhanced hearing and sight. They will tear apart anything with blood, gorging themselves on it before falling asleep for what is sometimes days. This cycle of violent rampage and long slumber continues for about six months until their mind begins to clear. It is also during this stage that they are able to spread Vampilia.   There is an interim of roughly a month where they slowly grow out of that state, followed by the Mortal stage. This is a two year period where they are, effectively, a Dhamphyr. It is during this time that they are in control of themselves, but not yet at their fullest as an Undead. They are not yet affected by blessed instruments, nor will the sun outright kill them, but they also have not gained the same level they will soon obtain.   After that, the sired will develop terminal Vampilia. During that time, a chitinous shell will form around their body. When the shell is formed, and the disease takes their life, they will remain dead for anywhere from a full day to a couple months. If they are reborn as an Alari, their time in the chrysalis will be longer, and they will emerge transformed. Once that time has passed, they will rise again, entering the Undead stage. This is where they will spend the rest of their immortal life.

Ecology and Habitats

Vampires cannot survive in the sun. Though they have no heartbeat, and, consequently, no body heat, they tend to prefer colder climates as they receive less sun. They also tend to prefer remote areas where they will get little trouble from others, but also need to feed, so remote villages tend to be their favored environment.   Despite the fact that a brood of Vampires are, ostensibly, pack animals, they are also very territorial, so their domains are somewhat dispersed. In the case of a non-brooded Vampire, their domain is smaller, but they are equally protective of it.

Dietary Needs and Habits

A single Vampire requires a gallon of blood every week. Since a brood typically has five to eight Vampires, a typical brood will need upwards of seven entire Humans or five Orcs - to give a couple examples - in order to sustain themselves. However, there are some Vampires that consume up to a gallon of blood per day. These are typically lone Vampires ruling an area as a despot, and it is uncommon, but it's not unheard of.   Though all Vampires can live on animal blood instead of sentient blood, some Vampires take it a step further with regard to their desire to do no harm, choosing to drink of the Ichor Fruit.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

All Vampires have elongation of the canines, graying of the skin, and pointing of the ears (if they have them). In the case of Alari, they will have a flattened nose, and four eyes.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

As with everything, the Alari have it better. While all Vampires have heightened senses, the Alari are able to see in both the mortal and spiritual realms, using one of their pairs of eyes for each. They can also smell a wounded creature from a half-mile away, and can sense any creature by its heartbeat within one hundred feet.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Sangus Aeterna
Immortal (undead)
Conservation Status
If anything, the status of Vampires is "Anti-conservation", as there are actually measures being taken by some groups to see the eradication of the species. No government has take a stance on whether or not those groups are supported.
Average Height
Dependent on the original race
Average Weight
Dependent on the original race
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The skin of a Vampire  is pale, or ashen. Whatever the skin color they had before, they will have that still, but with a less vibrant hue. It's as if there were a thin layer of ash on their skin, lending a slight gray or white to their otherwise "normal" skin.

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